International Women’s Day Forum

On Wednesday the 8th of March, Greensborough College held its first ever whole school International Women’s Day forum in assembly format. Our College Captains, Sarah Cairns, Chloe Grioli, Jack Commandeur and Ebony Stuart did a fantastic job of running the event, from introductions, filming videos, moderating the Q and As and putting in the time and effort to ensure that the event ran as smoothly as it did.   

We heard from George Elovaris, Greensborough College 2022 Dux, who gave an inspiring speech discussing his school and in particular year 12 experience. He gave his tips on how he achieved his results and encouraged our students to do what works best for them.  

We also had the privilege to introduce our scholarship recipients; Deena Gerges, Kayleigh Kotkin Smith, Mikaela Lubek and Isabelle Pertile. Congratulations to all! 


We were inspired and reflected on what it means to be a woman in elite sport from our three guest speakers: Allana Dickie, Northern Knights Head Coach- Girls (Coates Talent League Program) and Vic Metro Head Coach (Girls); We welcomed back Gabby Newton- 2019 AFLW Number 1 Draft Pick 2019 College Captain and Current Western Bulldogs AFLW player; and our very own Kathy Berg- Victorian Baseball Team member- 2005-2010, National Baseball Team member- Champions (2007, 2008, 2009), Australian Baseball squad (2008, 2009) and Australian Baseball Team- World Cup silver medallists (2010). 


Our guest speakers spoke about their own experiences and how, even though times are changing for the better, there is still a long way to go. Our speakers spoke about their champions, reiterating that it takes a village of support.  

Thank you to everyone who was involved, it was truly a special event and what a way to kick-off (pun intended) the first whole school assembly since 2019.  

Laura Frazer and Jacqueline Melia  

SIT – Positive Climate for Learning