Assistant Principals' Report 


Time always flies when you are busy and having fun. We are already more than half way through the term. Our Year 12 students have taken up the challenge of doing their best in their final school terms of school. We have all been working extremely hard this term and having the extra day off this week hopefully has recharged us all ready for the next 4 weeks of term 1.


A big thank you to all the teachers that were involved in the Clean Up Australia activity, making our environment a clean space is important not only for the school but for all our continued efforts in making the environment cleaner.

On the 8th March we celebrated International Women’s Day by having a whole school assembly. This was organised by Laura Frazer and Jacqueline Melia as part of the Positive Climate for learning team. This year it was hosted by our Year 12 leaders who took the reins and asked the female panel questions on how they became sporting stars, what an event! Students were all engaged and thoroughly enjoyed the morning.


Just a few reminders…


A reminder to all families and students that the use of mobile phones is banned at all Government schools in Victoria. Students should continue to leave their mobile phones in their lockers at all times during the school day. We have a staged response if students are caught using their devices and for anything inappropriate. Please take some time to remind your child about this policy and use the link below to access the policy on the college website Mobile Phone Policy - Student Use.


This term we have also seen a number of students using the locker bays at recess and lunchtimes. Students should not be hanging around in the locker bays after they have put their books away and taken their recess snacks or lunch. We will be monitoring students and asking them to move to other areas of the school.


Finally, we have changed the areas that students have access to at recess, they are no longer able to use the ovals and soccer pitch. This is due to the length of recess being only 20 minutes and not enough time. The ovals and soccer pitch are open for all at lunch to participate in sporting activities.

Take care and stay safe,


Glenn Jenner and Rose Thomson


Take care.


Rose Thomson and Glenn Jenner