
Sarah Aynsley 

Head of Curriculum

End of Term 1

It's been a busy term, without a doubt.  Well done to everyone on your hard work and perseverance over the past ten weeks.  Wishing you all a safe and restful break and we look forward to seeing you all in Term 2!


Elevate Education and Universities Roadshow

During Week 8, Elevate Education presented two workshops to our Year 11 and 12 ATAR students.  The focus of the workshops was on time management skills and prioritising; this is such a valuable tool as our students strive to balance the demands of study, sport, practical compentencies, camps and busy social lives.


Last week, the Universities Roadshow visited the College with representatives from Murdoch, UWA, Curtin and ECU.  It was so exciting to see students from the General and ATAR pathways access this session to learn more about pathways to further study.  


Sarah Aynsley 

Head of Curriculum



Physical Education Studies 

The Year 11 and 12 Physical Education students have been participating for and being assessed on their volleyball skills. Over the course of the term, we have come to the realisation we have an extremely competitive class who have embraced the sport! 


Throughout the Physical Education course an emphasis is placed on the understanding of sport and physical activity as way to be involved within the community. This year as a class, we have used the facilities within Cunderdin to participate in various activities, such as our end of term lawn bowls lesson.


Recently both classes have been completing practical fitness components for their exercise physiology units. As a group last week, all the students participated in the 1.6km run to test their aerobic fitness and, in their separate theoretical classes, they performed a barrage of tests in preparations for their upcoming assessments. Congratulations to all the students who enthusiastically set down their pens to test their partners strength, agility, and overall fitness.


Using their results, the Year 11’s will be creating a fitness profile in relation to the sports they play and looking for areas to improve on, to enhance their performance in their chosen sports. The Year 12’s will be looking at their individual results and applying their prior knowledge, to create a specific training program to implement in the gym; they will assess the results at the end of the term. 


Coming up next term, the Year 12’s will be busy preparing for the ESTs, whilst the Year 11’s immerse themselves in the topic of biomechanics in a sporting context. Midway through the term, the College has been invited to participate in the West Coast Fever School Cup in Northam. We have three female teams, and two male teams entered this year to play against other high schools from the Wheatbelt and Goldfields region.  If any family or friends are interested in coming down to watch and support the students, the competition commences at 9:00am at the Northam Recreation Centre on Thursday, May 11 2023. 


Ms Tait

Physical Education Tea