Hands On Learning 

Luke Caldwell / Kara Rysava 

First Nations Yarning Circle : Built by HOL
First Nations Yarning Circle : Built by HOL

2023 has been a busy year for Hands on Learning. Most of the winter months were spent digging holes, debarking logs of eucalypts and placing them beautifully in 20 holes for our yarning circle. This was an amazing project that we worked on for the first nations students at Woodmans Hill. 

Even though this was our biggest project, we were busy with lots of other things also. 

We have repaired some of the picnic tables around the school and at the beginning of 2024, we will begin to create several new benches. The process has already begun and as of writing this, we have about 8 sets of legs ready to hold 4 new picnic tables. 

The Hands on Learning Team raised $60 for the Cancer Council by selling our home grown Daffodils and we built garden beds and compost heaps.

We had an excursion to Mt Rowan and Mt Clear College to check out their Hands on Learning programs and also to the Green Space in Ballarat, ending the day with a woodfired pizza from The Forge (Yummo). Our year ended with the annual Hands on 


Learning celebration evening where our friends and family joined us to celebrate our achievements, enjoy the food prepared by the students and acknowledge each student for their hard work and amazing participation in the program over the year.

 2024 will have a lot to live up to. Bring it on!  

Have a safe and fun holiday, from Hands on Learning.