Junior School Report

Heather McClure

What a wonderful end to the year. Last Monday the year 9 cohort came together to celebrate the end of their time in the junior school with a celebration in the form of a year 9 social. There was a great night had by all who attended. I enjoyed seeing the students don their finest attire for a night of fun and dancing. Well done to the year 9 student leaders who organized the event.

This week sees our students in the junior school celebrate the end of year through a range of planned activities including excursions to the movies, Adventure park, ice skating just to name a few.


Friday saw us come together to celebrate the achievements of the students from year 7-11 in our annual awards afternoon. It was a full house, with many parents and carers in attendance to celebrate the achievements of our students. It was such a fabulous afternoon, bringing our school community together.


Whilst the year draws to a close it is important to reflect upon all of the achievements and memories made throughout the year.

I hope that our Woodmans Hill community enjoy a safe and restful break- who knows the sun might even shine ( hopefully).

I look forward to seeing you all in 2024.

The Year 9 Formal was put together with a student committee that arranged everything including the theme of ‘A night in Town’, the tickets, music, decorations and food. It was a sensational evening, it which the students looked wonderfully dressed up, had a dance, were well behaved and enjoyed each others’ company. We celebrated a successful year their journey through the Junior School.