What's Happening

Playground Upgrades

Primary students have enjoyed playing in the newly renovated Primary Playground. There are new interactive panels, a wavy mirror, and bongo drums. The whole area has new artificial grass laid over the softfall which gives the area a fresh, new look. The students now have access to the sandpit and liberty swing again. Our GAs have done an amazing job. Thankyou!

A new space is being created at the back of the oval with a wobble bridge, sensory grid, balance beams and stepping stones to help with mobility and balance. Mrs Jennie Kempson our physiotherapist, has been instrumental in leading the design of this area. 


During the next holidays, the new climbing equipment will also be installed on the back oval. A fun addition to the playground will also be a carousel which will be wheelchair friendly. 


Play is such an important part of a child's day to teach fine and gross motor skills as well as a way to further develop social and behavioural skills. Play helps children build confidence and creativity. Thank you to our staff who get in and play with the students during the lunch breaks. 


Melanie Meers



At our school, we have 2 breaks - recess and lunch. At the 2nd break, after students have eaten, they have the opportunity to play on the oval, or on the campus playground or to choose a breakaway. 


A Breakaway is another name for clubs that run at the 2nd break. This term, students can choose to access the following Breakaways:

  • library each day to play lego and games or read and listen to quiet relaxing music
  • computer club on Monday and Thursdays with Mr Anikin
  • mindful art on Tuesdays, Wednesday and Friday with Mrs Huggett
  • cooking on Mondays with School Dietitian Marley
  • gym on Tuesday and Thursdays with Mr Gell, Mr Corby and Ms Konjetic

Breakaways will change each term depending on the interest of students. Over the last few years we have had karaoke, ukelele group, sewing and dancing breakaways.