Musical Notes
Date | Event | Time | Participants | Venue |
Monday May 30 | ACC Concert Rehearsal Day 3 | All Day | Int & Senior Stage Band | Parade College |
Tuesday May 31 | VCE Music Performance Recital | 7.00pm | VCE Music Performance Students | Founders' Complex |
Thursday June 2 | Year 10 Recital | 7.00pm | Year 10 Classroom Music students | Founders' Complex |
Tuesday June 7 | Year 9 Recital | 7.00pm | Year 9 Classroom Music students | Founders' Complex |
Victorian All State Jazz Championships
Students from the Monk Band were invited to perform at the recent Victorian All State Jazz Championships, alongside peers from all over Victoria. This was a great opportunity for our students to perform in front of an audience including some of Australia's finest jazz performers.
Victorian Flute Guild Competition
Several of our flute students were invited to participate in the 28th Annual Victorian Flute Guild Ensemble Competition held last weekend. This prestigious State-wide competition is an excellent opportunity for our young musicians to improve their performance standards and contribute to the vibrant musical life of our College.
This year Mazenod achieved Second Place in the following categories:
Small Flute Ensemble
Ben Boudreau (9 CAG), Viron Fernando (9 FOY) and Colin Ng Chit Wing (8 CAG)
Flute Duet
Viron Fernando (9 FOY) and Ben Boudreau (9 CAG)
AMEB Examination Results
Congratulations to Daniel Liu and Huey Ng for successfully completing their AMEB music examinations.
Congratulations to all students involved.
Term 2 timetables have been uploaded to MazCom. Some slight changes are still taking place, so please ask your son to check the Music Tile on MazCom on a regular basis.
For any enquiries regarding Mazenod’s music program, please contact the Music Office on 8561 1108 or