Invitation to Participate in the 2022 Victorian Indigenous Engineering Winter School 

4-8 July 2022- Virtual program


Places in this program are strictly limited, so get in early as this is an opportunity not to be missed!


This year we will be offering VIEWS as a virtual program 4-8 July 2022 for years 10, 11 and 12 Indigenous high school students currently studying Mathematics and or Science who are interested in an engineering or technology pathway.


VIEWS is a five-day long program offered by University of Melbourne, RMIT University, Swinburne University and Monash University where students experience first-hand the work of engineers, meet Indigenous engineering professionals, discover pathways into engineering and explore virtually four university campuses. 


This is an exciting initiative that will change your student’s perspective on engineering and open a world of possibilities. 


Applications for this program are now open and close on Wednesday 8 June 2022


Follow link or scan QR code to apply and submit application;