


Zoe Nugent 

Charlie Mackesy (2019) "The Boy, the mole, the fox and the horse"
Charlie Mackesy (2019) "The Boy, the mole, the fox and the horse"

When I bought the 2019 book, "The boy, the mole, the fox and the horse" by Charlie Mackesy, I did not even remotely think that his images would make it into my school newsletters.

But how can they not make an appearance?  Charlie in his prologue letter details he hopes that his images encourage others to, 'live courageously  with more kindness for yourself and others. And ask for help when you need it - which is always a brave thing to do.' 


His image above has been folded up in my phone case for the past 18 months as a constant reminder that although we may all require a little spit an' polish every now essentially we are 'enough'. 


It is this very thing that Ms. Martin and I detailed to our Year 3 and 5 students who have been undertaking NAPLAN testing over the past week.

That; one test, on one day, in one subject does not define you as a person.  It gives us a dot point on your ability in that subject in that space and time.  Although as educators/schools these tests do assist us in seeing where can improve our teaching strategies etc, they do not show the kind hearted soul we see on the playground interacting with your friends, they do not show us all of the activities that you 'get up to' in your free time and the creative games you invent.   That you..are enough.

Thank you to our Education Support Staff

World Support Staff Day, or Education Support Personnel Day, was celebrated around Australia this year on the 16th May.  Here at St Mary of the Angels, we celebrate the magnificent achievements and opportunities provided to our school/ staff and students by our dedicated support staff.  We could not do it without you all; Sheree, Amber, Cassie, Karen, Anna, Casey and Riley!  Due to PD and excursions, St Mary of the Angels will demonstrate its thanks to our ESO's on Thursday!



Big Week Next Week for Catholics in Australia

Catholic Schools Week

23-28 May for Diocese of Armidale

Next week, our Diocese will be celebrating Catholic Schools week, with the theme of 'Our Hope-Filled Future'.

 Our Deanery will celebrate with a mass on Thursday 26 May 11am at Saints Mary and Joseph's Cathedral, Armidale. This is the day Catholics also commemorate Jesus Christ's ascension into heaven. Did you know in some countries this day is marked as a public holiday.


"As per the New Testament in the Bible, after Jesus Christ’s crucifixion on Good Friday, he was resurrected from the dead in three days, on the day we know as Easter Sunday. For 40 days after this, he stayed with his Apostles (the primary disciples of Christ) to instruct them on how to carry out his teachings. As the Bible says, at the end of day 40, Jesus Christ and his disciples went to Mount Olivet (or the Mount of Olives), near Jerusalem. After asking them to stay, Christ then ascended to heaven to take his seat at the right hand of God, under the gaze of his disciples. To Christians, the ascension signifies that Christ completed his work on Earth and allowed him to prepare a place for his followers in heaven." (2022,


On Tuesday we celebrate the feast day of Mary Help of Christians has been the official spiritual patroness of Australia since 1844.


On Friday our country, Australia, begins National Reconciliation Week.