Community News

Community News
Diamond Valley Athletics Club
The Diamond Valley Athletic Club invites students - & their parents - interested in a season of Cross Country running with Athletics Victoria, to register their interest with DVAC Registrar, Lyn Davis on mob: 0409 005 406 or email:
Competition age groups for girls and boys are Under 14, Under 16, Under 18 and Under 20. As well, the competition is available to Open age, 40+ & 50+ age categories. Training sessions under qualified Coaches are conducted on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons at Willinda Park, Greensborough from 4:30pm. These sessions are free to club members.
The season of Cross Country running with AV commences on Saturday 7th May with Cross Country relays at Jells Park, Wheelers Hill. Junior athletes run a distance of 3km & senior athletes run legs of 6km.
The 2022 Winter season offers a mixture of Cross Country & Road running to cater for all abilities.
For further information, contact DVAC Secretary, Max Balchin on 0409 350 280 or check the websites or
Teacher's Aide Course starting soon in Reservoir
We are currently taking enrolments for Prace's next Cert III in School Based Education Support (Teacher's Aide) course in Reservoir.
Attached is the course flyer relevant to job seekers and parents considering returning to the workforce.
Banyule Youth Services News
In recognising many schools and services are feeling the pressure of busy schedules and competing demands BYS would like to highlight the services, programs and supports available to schools, students and families within the Banyule Area.
As most of you are aware Banyule Youth Services provides support to young people, families/carers and schools living, working, studying or socialising in the Banyule Municipality. Our service prides itself of being strengths-based, holistic support that is driven by the young people themselves to foster empowerment and independent living skills. Banyule Youth Services offer support for young people in the following contexts; one-to-one support, group social/interest based programs and school workshops.
Over the past few months BYS heard feedback relating to the growing presenting needs of young people between the ages of 12-15, alongside long wait times for support from local services. This newsletter will focus on current and upcoming opportunities to connect this cohort with other young people, interest based groups/activities and youth workers who are about to provide individual support.
Individual SupportYouth Workers are available to provide face to face, online or phone support to young people, parents and carers and will focus on practical wellbeing strategies, general support and referral (NB support is not suitable for acute or crisis care). Session bookings can be made Monday – Friday, 9am – 6pm by emailing, calling 94579855 or filling in this form. Once contact is made one of our Youth Workers will be in contact within 3 days!
Alternatively, individual Youth workers can be contacted via their Facebook profiles. Our Staff members Lisa, Kieran, Maddi, & Sadia are all available to chat with young people, parents and carers and can be found on Facebook by their worker profiles.Our service is completely private and confidential, unless the safety and wellbeing of a person is at-risk.
School Workshops – a different way of engaging students
Did you know that our school workshops are adaptable to students of all ages?Feedback from local young people, teachers and parents has shown us that younger age groups are experiencing increasing challenges relating to supporting peer mental health, body image, gender/sexual identity and relearning social skills. Our workshops explore factors contributing to these experiences whilst providing useful skills and resources young people can draw on to maintain healthy relationships with themselves and others. All of our workshops are entirely FREE and can be booked via our EOI here
Body Image
Our body image workshop explores online and offline influences that may be negatively impacting young people. This workshop is appropriate for all genders and unpacks the different messages portrayed by the media, advertisements and social norms. This workshop discusses the potential emotional, physical and social harm that can occur as a result of beauty “trends” and practical ways that young people can protect themselves whilst building positive self-concepts.
Building Boundaries
This workshop is a strengths-based workshop that explores the importance of healthy boundaries within friendships, romantic relationships, families, employers and teachers. This workshop aims to provide practical tools for adolescents to try whilst developing resilience in managing difficult responses. A great workshop to support young people in returning to social settings after a long period of virtual based learning in the home.
Supporting Friends
This workshop aligns with the ‘r u ok’ campaign and explore practical tools young people can draw upon with their friends when they say they aren’t doing okay. This workshop encourages young people to seek support from youth workers/professionals however supports them to have the skills to hold difficult and courageous conversations until they can find support. This workshop was lucky enough to be reviewed by our Youth Focus group to incorporate feedback from young people passionate about mental health.
The queer-ies workshop was developed in conjunction with our Teachers workshop ‘Ditching Discrimination’ to be delivered to students. This workshop was co-developed by BYS Rainbow Space group and discusses the various ways that young people can be an Ally to LGBTQI+ Young people. The workshop explores the vast impacts support and celebration can have on the health and wellbeing of rainbow youth.
For details of our full list of workshops offered visit our website Resources for schools | Banyule Youth Services
Jets Group Vacancies
Rainbow Space JUNIOR
Rainbow Space is a weekly social group for young people who identify as LGBTQI+, Friends and Allys. This social group is held at Jets Studios and offers s safe, fun and welcoming environment for young people to meet other young people in the community whilst engaging in activities such as arts, music, excursions, advocacy and general connection games, Historically Rainbow Space welcomed young people between the ages 14-24, however due to recent increases in request for support for young people between the ages of 12-15 we have now created two groups to enable age-appropriate social connection.
As of term 2 Jets Studio is now hosting;
Rainbow Space (12-15 years)- Thursday 4pm-6.30pm
Rainbow Space (16-24 years)- Thursday 6pmpm-8pm *please note this group is currently at capacity*
For expressions of interest please complete this form
Upcoming Events
Cultural Excellence Event
Reconciliation action week is just around the corner (May 27-June 3) and is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, achievements and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia. BYS are beyond proud to be hosting the captivating Nartarsha Bamblett as she facilitates the cultural excellence event at Ivanhoe Library and Cultural Hub.
We are inviting all young people aged 12-25 to come experience and learn more about our First Nations Culture at this FREE workshop!
Come and enjoy a hands on learning experience with Nartarsha Napanagka Bamblett a 26 year old Yorta Yorta, Walpiri, Wuradjeri & Kurnai women and mother. This cultural workshop will be insightful, engaging, thought provoking and conversational. You will have the opportunity to learn about:
• Engaging in Acknowledgements of country
• Cultural connection through dance, music and language
• Storytelling and sharing with one another
• Mindful movement and connection to country
We welcome all young people who are keen to learn and experience more about our First Nations people, we also extend the invitation to those who are already connected or part of the community to come and share your stories!
WHEN: Sunday 29th May 2022 12-2pm
WHERE: Ivanhoe Library & Cultural Hub, 279 Upper Heidelberg Road, Ivanhoe
TO BOOK: Get your FREE ticket at
Youth Consultation Opportunity
Banyule Youth Services (BYS) is seeking Expression of Interest’s from Banyule’s environmentally conscious young people!! Council is passionate about supporting the next generation, and our Banyule Environment Team want to fund your positive action on climate change projects! This is an incredible opportunity for school enviro action groups and individuals with a passion to implement change! To learn more contact BYS Youth Engagement Officer Leza Cullen on: 0411 267 427 or email: