Mrs Luisa Cecala 

Protecting Children - Reporting and Other Legal Obligations

School staff play a vital role in protecting children from harm and are well placed to observe signs or behaviours that may indicate risks of child abuse.


School staff must act, by following the Four Critical Actions, as soon as they witness an incident, receive a disclosure or form a reasonable belief that a child has, or is at risk of being abused.


New Child Safe Standards come into force from 1 July 2022 to better protect children and young people from abuse.


Please read below Victoria's new child safety standards. 

In line with the new child safety standards our school Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy has been UPDATED. Please ensure you have read it. 


Podcast of the Week

Deep Dive: Lauren Bush Lauren of FEED on Cultivating Gratitude and Thoughtfulness


How do we raise our kids to be thoughtful humans who feel good on the inside, but also do good on the outside? The answer, it turns out, may relate more to the questions we ask than the lessons we teach. In this week’s episode, Dr. Becky talks with Lauren Bush Lauren, the founder of FEED, a social action business, and a mom of three. Together they think through ways to help kids develop awareness, perspective, and gratitude. They talk about the importance of teaching your child how to think, not what to think, and why asking questions that your child doesn’t have answers for, is part of a strategy of cultivating thoughtfulness.



Family Fun -  Cook a meal together and share 2 positives of your day and 1 thing you would each like to work.


Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD) On Students with Disability
