Mrs Maria Lontos 

Classroom Helpers Wanted!!! 

After a hiatus of classroom support over the last two years, we are excitedly looking forward to welcoming back Classroom Helpers at Holy Name.


If you would like to be a Classroom Helper this year, starting in Term 3, please fill in the form on Operoo by Wednesday 22nd of June. It is school policy that all classroom helpers are fully vaccinated (that means 3 shots in an education setting) and hold a current Working with Children card. 


A training session will be held once expressions of interest are sent in, so look out for this in our next newsletter. If you have previously done a training session with us, you do not need to do it again, however you are welcome to attend if you require a refresher. 


Please feel free to email or call me at the school if you would like to chat further about this. 

Writing in the Senior Years


Students in Grades 5 and 6 start off the year learning about the writing process, and what it means to be an author and illustrator of your own texts. From generating an initial idea to publishing a final product, the students learn that composing a piece of writing involves a sequenced process, and includes using a variety of independent skills and dispositions. 

Amanda (6B), one of our talented writers in the senior school, knows first hand what it means to persist with her writing to create a final product that targets her audience and serves a purpose. Check out her comic below... 

Phase 1 - "Plant a Seed" / Phases 2 - "Generate Ideas"
Phase 3 - "Draft" / Phase 4 "Edit"
Phase 1 - "Plant a Seed" / Phases 2 - "Generate Ideas"
Phase 3 - "Draft" / Phase 4 "Edit"
Phase 5 - "Publish"
Phase 5 - "Publish"


While writing together, children and adults engage in different writing behaviours. The following behaviours are grounded in the gradual release of responsibility model (Duke & Pearson, 2002; Fisher & Frey, 2013; Pearson & Gallagher, 1983) which sees the role of [teachers] as initially leading writing experiences (modelled writing), and gradually decreasing responsibility as children start to share (shared/interactive writing), and eventually create texts with very little support (independent writing).

(DET, 2020).