
Caritas Ukraine Appeal

Following on from last Friday’s 8am Community Mass dedicated to hope and peace for Ukraine, our Year 12 Faith Prefects, with the assistance of other Year 12 Prefects, have been busy selling raffle tickets. The funds will be forwarded to the Caritas Ukraine Appeal. Congratulations to Benjamin Filear (10.1) for and Mrs Jayne Stanley for winning first and second prize respectively.


On Tuesday, with the guidance of their Pastoral Care Teachers, and also Mrs Stewart, Fra Oscar and Mr Byrne, the Year 10 students celebrated their Term 1 Liturgy whereby they also incorporated a special prayer for Ukraine. A sea of blue and yellow cut out of hands formed part of their liturgy. Students wrote a special prayer intention/message of hope. These prayer hands were later displayed on the windows of the Cultural Centre, creating a powerful backdrop for the raffle ticket sales.


Thank you to all involved who worked together to demonstrate faith in action during Lent at TC.


Mrs Rosa West and Mrs Marya Stewart

Friday 8am Mass

Thank you to PCG 11.1 and Ms Chung for hosting our 8am Friday Community Mass. Today we commemorated the announcement by the angel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary that she would conceive a son by the power of the Holy Spirit, to be called Jesus. Thank you to Fra Oscar for celebrating Mass. Please see our display of Mary, a woman of strength, resilience and humility as she faced many challenges and continues to intercede for us during these challenging times.


Mrs Rosa West

Director of Campus Ministry