PLT News...

Year 6

We just can’t believe we are over halfway through term 2!  The year 6 students have been very busy. Throughout term 2 students have been working on comprehension strategies in reading which has involved comparing and contrasting texts where they have identified similarities and differences via different authors and text types. In Maths we have been learning about multiplying and dividing whole numbers by decimal numbers. We have worked on measurement where we have learnt about converting units of measurement and in the area of statistics and probability, we have worked on displaying data and interpreting data. 


In the area of writing, we have worked on learning about Narrative writing where at the year 6 standard there is a big emphasis on the writer’s process. Students all worked on drafting a narrative story which they then edited their text to reflect their knowledge of using complex sentences, sensory/ emotive language as well as following the Narrative writing structure. Students then published their writing using Microsoft word. 

We are extremely proud of the dedication and effort our year 6 students have shown through their Narrative writing pieces.  



Year 3

We have made a great start to Term 2 in Year 3. A huge congratulations to all Year 3 students for their resilience and perseverance through NAPLAN. In reading, we have focused on our personal preferences of text, as well as consolidating our comprehension skills in relation to the texts. We were engaged in The Very Cranky Bear series, by Nick Bland, identifying the effects of pictures to help understand the relationships between characters. As a part of our narrative unit in writing, the students were able to utilise their narrative skills to create their own sequel to these stories. In Maths, students have been exploring addition and subtraction, practising a range of strategies, including quick recall, jump strategy and vertical equations. We have looked at using measurement tools to measure the mass of everyday objects and exploring chance through some fun experiments.