Specialist Term Overview

Performing Arts Term Two Overviews - 2022


Year 1 – Dance (Performing Arts)

Students can use dance as a language to express feelings, with a focus on the element of body, particularly body shapes. They also should be able to perform “Macarena” dance solely.


Year 3 and Year 4 – Music and Drama (Performing Arts)

Your student’s teacher is Alison.

During term two, year 3 and 4 students will continue exploring the question “When is a creative piece ready for performance?” and working on their good fit recorder pieces for the first five weeks. During this time, we will be focusing on the musical element of “pitch” and how this understanding can help us learn new musical repertoire. For the final four weeks of term, students will be exploring the elements of drama through the use of games; looking at the work of others; and dramatic performance. 


Year 5 – Drama (Performing Arts)

Your student’s teacher is Alison.

During term two, Year Five students will be exploring the question “What are the elements of drama and how can I use these to communicate meaning and shape dramatic performances?” Students will explore the elements of movement, facial expression, gesture, character development, and energy through games and dramatic performance. They will choose from a number of selected short scripts and work in small groups to create a performance. They will also look at the performances of others and discuss how these performances can develop their own skills and interpretations of the script. 


Year 7 – Drama (Performing Arts)

Your student’s teacher is Alison.

During term two, year 7 students will be exploring the question “How can I share stories through drama?” In the first four weeks students will focus on the elements of drama and complete skill specific activities such as freeze framing, hot seating, character development activities and games; and in the final five weeks, students will write their own scripts in small groups, which will focus on the telling of a story of significance. The students will devise a script which establishes the time and location of the story; the development of characters within the story and their importance to the subject matter; the elements of drama which will best convey the significance of the plot line; the dramatic genre in which they want to present the story; and any props or costumes required. Students will look at the work of others for inspiration and will also use peer performance and reflection to develop and improve their scripts before performance. 




During Term 2, Year 6 students will explore collage as inspiration to develop themes, concepts and ideas about how artists use cutting and pasting techniques creatively. They will plan and make art works in response to different collage artists from throughout history and analyse the materials used by collage artists to enhance the meaning behind artworks, such as the choice of materials to enhance the viewer’s understanding of the artist’s intention.


During Term 2, Year 2 students will share ideas with their classmates about the expressive choices they make to create collage artworks whilst using cutting, ripping and pasting techniques. As they respond to collage artists, students will explore the different styles and creative processes artists use from different social, cultural and historical contexts.


During Term 2, Foundation students will continue to develop their fine motor skills whilst learning about collage artists. Students will use cutting, ripping and pasting techniques to creatively respond to different collage artist from throughout history with an emphasis on organic and geometric shapes.