Mandarin Term Overview

Mandarin Term Overview—Term 2



During Term 2, Prep students are learning to greet teachers with “zao shang hao (good morning)” and “xia wu hao (good afternoon)”. They continue practising some commonly used words for daily conversations, such as “xie xie ni (thank you)” and “zai jian (goodbye)”. They will learn to count the numbers from 1 to 10 and read the Chinese writing for them.


Year 1

During Term 2, Year 1 students are learning to say and read the words for colours. They are also reviewing the previous learnings at the start or end of each lesson. They will learn to say “I like…” with the words for colours. Hands-on activities, such as primary and secondary colour experiments, will be introduced to support the application of new vocabulary. 


Year 2

In Term 2, students learnt how to greet Happy Mother’s Day in Mandarin. We are learning to express our birthday and asking when is your birthday in Mandarin. Reinforce classroom language in Mandarin class. Students are going to learn to sing Happy Birthday Song in Mandarin.


Year 3

In Term 2, students learnt how to greet Happy Mother’s Day in Mandarin. Reinforce classroom language in Mandarin class. Students are going introduce school name and location in Mandarin.


Year 4

In Term 2, students learnt how to greet Happy Mother’s Day in Mandarin. Reinforce classroom language in Mandarin class. We are learning different food names in Chinese, and the phrases to order at a Chinese restaurant. At the end of the Unit, we are going to do a role play on ordering food at a Chinese restaurant.


Year 5

In Term 2, students learnt how to greet Happy Mother’s Day in Mandarin. Reinforce classroom language in Mandarin class. We are learning different food names in Chinese, and the phrases to order at a Chinese restaurant. At the end of the Unit, we are going to do a role play on ordering food at a Chinese restaurant.


Year 6

In Term 2, students learnt how to greet Happy Mother’s Day in Mandarin. Reinforce classroom language in Mandarin class. We are going to learn sports words in Chinese. Grade Six students are going to experience the different sports children play in Chinese for example, shuttle feather, radio exercise and jumping rope.


Year 7

During Term 1, Year 7 students are learning to construct sentences while investigating ancient Chinese history. They will learn different pronouns, some essential verbs, the names for countries and nationalities as well as close-end questions. The knowledge of Chinese history is interwoven with language learning. The students will learn the origin of Chinese writing and calligraphy, study mythological stories and inventions in ancient China and explore the features of Shang and Zhou dynasties. They will also learn about Confucius, Qu Yuan and the dragon boat festival.