STEM Term Overviews

In STEM this term, Prep students are working on finding sustainable solutions to the question:


How can we design toys that move and change, using sustainable materials?


They have been thinking about the materials their toys are made from which is mainly plastic and making informed choices about what to do with those toys when they no longer need or want them.


Prep students will build their understanding that:

•Plastic waste is an environmental problem 

•Sustainable design solutions can positively meet the needs of users and the environment.

•We have a responsibility to make a positive impact on the place we live


In STEM this term, Year 1 students are working on finding sustainable solutions to the question:


How can we design clothes that are suitable for physical activity using sustainable fabrics and ethical manufacture?


They have been thinking about the clothes they wear for particular uses and making informed choices about what to do with those clothes when they no longer need or want them.


Year 1 students will build their understanding that:

•Every day clothing is made from a variety of materials

•Familiar clothing items are made for different uses •Considerate consumers are important for a sustainable future


Grade 2:

In Term 2, Grade 2 students will be designing a dwelling for an animal to suit its needs. They will be looking at its habitat when describing, generating and communicating their ideas and using their prior learning to suggest appropriate materials to build with. 


Grade 3 & 4:

Students will broaden their understanding of life-cycles, food chains and food webs when looking into the role of pollinators in eco-systems. They will describe the pollination process and determine the importance of this when investigating plant reproduction. Students will suggest ways in which we can encourage pollinators to come to the school yard and at home.


Grade 5 & 6:

Grade 5 and 6 students will be using innovative ideas to improve the school yard. They will first look at what gardens need and use this to assess the effectiveness of our own garden. Students will research ideas and complete a design brief before implementing these. This process will show the important steps in design and technology.