YEAR 2 Term Overview

Wominjeka Year 2 Families! 


Term 2 Curriculum:



This term in reading, Year 2 students will make connections, compare and contrast texts of the same genre and text types.  They will understand how similar texts show characteristics such as realistic fiction, traditional fairy tales, fantasy, mystery and comedy.  While reading, students will solve words rapidly with minimal self corrections and they will re-read a word or a phrase occasionally to self monitor their reading.  Students will re-read text to search for information such as using organisational tools such as Index, Glossary, Table of Contents.  They will summarise important information in a text, talk about what is learned from the characters and about the lesson that the story is teaching you.



This term in writing, Year 2 students will develop an understanding of themselves as a writer, they will explore how writers construct a narrative to entertain and share messages with others. They will be investigating the different essential parts of a narrative (setting, characters, problem and solution). Students will have the chance to explore a range of narratives from different genres (humour, realistic-fiction, horror, fairytale, fantasy) which will be used to ignite their passion for writing. We will continue to explore how to develop well-crafted sentences that share complete ideas and have the correct punctuation, form letters correctly, use paragraphs, record sounds in the unknown words while being taught how to add personality to their writing through their voice.



This term in maths, Year 2 students will be using everyday language to describe outcomes of familiar events. Your child will learn how to measure the length and area of several shapes and objects using appropriate informal units of measure. They will then be able to use these measurements to compare and order these shapes and objects based on length and area. Students will also recognise and represent multiplication and division through repeated addition, groups and arrays. Later in the term students will draw two-dimensional shapes with and without digital technologies and identify their features. They will use these shapes to explain the effect of one-step transformation (slide, flip, half turn, quarter turn). Your child will also learn how to interpret simple maps of familiar locations and identify the position of key features within these maps. Every week your child will engage in problem solving lessons whereby students apply their maths knowledge and skills to solve real world problems. Place value will continue to be a core focus area throughout the whole year. This term students will be focusing on extending place value to larger numbers through recognising, modelling, representing and ordering numbers to at least 1000. Students will also build on their flexible additive strategies by solving simple addition and subtraction problems using a range of efficient mental and written strategies and exploring the connection between addition and subtraction. 



This term in inquiry, Year 2 students are exploring the question, how has daily life changed or remained the same over time? Students will engage with a range of activities that will allow them to develop their questioning, communication and critical thinking skills. Students will interview older students to identify the changes that have occurred across the school. We will also be visiting the Melbourne Museum to explore how Melbourne has changed over time. 


Extra Information:


Melbourne Museum: On the 27th of May, the Year 2 students will be going on an excursion to the Melbourne Museum as part of our unit of Inquiry. The students will view The Melbourne Enquiry exhibit, as well as have the opportunity to view other parts of the museum throughout the day. If you would like your child to participate in this please refer to Compass and have payment in by the 20th of May. No late payments will be accepted. We look forward to creating this memorable experience with your child.


Students arriving before 8:30am: Please be aware that there is no supervision for your child if they arrive at school before 8:30am. If you are dropping them off at school before 8:30am they will need to be booked into OSH (before school hours care program). 


Parent helpers: We are looking for some volunteers that can help out in the classroom. You will be asked to listen to children read, support students with their letter - sound knowledge and play numeracy games with small groups to help build number fact fluency and understanding. All volunteers need to have a current Working with Children Check. If our classroom volunteer program is something that interests you or you know of a community or family member who would like to volunteer their time, please contact your child's classroom teacher via Compass. 


Toys at school: Students are allowed to bring their own toys to school to use during outside play time (lunch and recess). However it is the responsibility of the child to keep them safe. They also need to do so understanding that they could get lost/broken. If it is a special toy, we recommend not to bring it to school. 


We look forward to continuing to work with you and your child this year. Please come and see your child’s teacher if you have any questions or concerns. After school is best for a quick chat, otherwise send your child’s teacher an email (via Compass) to set up an appointment time for a longer chat.


- Year 2 Teachers