Acting Head of Student Welfare
Ms Farron Boxall
Acting Head of Student Welfare
Ms Farron Boxall
Recently the Student Welfare Team has engaged in a number of formative conversations and learning experiences with students around our College value of Kindness and the norms that represent this value in action. We have become increasingly aware of social media usage that is taking place outside of school hours, but being brought into the school environment through the sharing of this content. Unfortunately, there have been instances of this content negatively affecting students. In yesterday’s assemblies I reminded Year 7 and 8 students of the following:
Students were requested to remove and delete any unnecessary items from their iPad at home. The same will take place with Years 9 and 10 next week. Next term, students will engage in a short course focused on positive social media usage and online interactions during our Welfare periods. This will be supported by a presentation from Think You Know. I would request parents and carers support the College by monitoring device usage at home where possible.
Last Friday we gathered in Pastoral Care groups for our online assembly where we celebrated many student successes from the term. All students are to be commended on their personal, academic and co-curricular achievements. It is important we acknowledge that with hard work comes a need for rest and rejuvenation. Rest is vital for better mental and physical health, increased concentration and memory, reduced stress and improved mood. I wish all students and families a safe, restful holiday break and look forward to welcoming the boys back to the learning environment, feeling rejuvenated with a renewed focus at the start of next term.
Parent Student Teacher Conferences will take place on Day 1 of Term 2, Monday 2nd May. These requests will be sent home via PAM next week. If a teacher requests a meeting I highly encourage you to attend and bring your son to the conference. It is well known that strong relationships between parents and teachers encourage positive student outcomes. The purpose of these conferences is to support student growth academically and socially. It is important they are a part of this process and engage with the feedback provided as they strive to achieve their personal academic best. If you are unable to attend on the day please make contact with the teacher via email or phone. They may be able to arrange an alternative time to meet or discuss their reasons for requesting the meeting with you. Likewise, if you would like to request an interview to discuss your son’s progress please do not hesitate to do so.