Head of Junior School
Mrs Jo Messer
Head of Junior School
Mrs Jo Messer
As this is the last full newsletter before the break, I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy and safe Easter and school holiday. Like all school terms, this one has been busy and productive. I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for your patience and understanding as we have been and are still navigating our way through the limitations that COVID has imposed on us. Fortunately, we have been able to resume whole school programs including formal assemblies, as well as returning to the Senior campus for woodwork. One of the highlights for me this term was being able to host the House Swimming Carnival. A day of celebration and participation where, for the first time, we were able to gather as a whole Junior School Community with parents and relatives in attendance.
We would like to thank everyone for their support in keeping the school community COVID safe. Families and staff have been reporting positive and close contact cases promptly and supplying release information as soon as it comes to hand. As you would be aware our administration staff continue to work throughout the school holidays. Please ensure you continue to report COVID positive and close contact cases through the website form or by emailing covid@stvirgils.tas.edu.au.
Also remember that, at this stage, there are no expected changes to COVID requirements for the start of Term 2. Masks will still be required by all staff, parents and visitors on the Junior campus.
The first day of Term 2 is a student-free day. Parents will be either requested or invited to attend a meeting between yourself and your son’s teacher on this day. Details for how to book a timeslot will be sent home via EdSmart next week.
On March 24, we held our annual House Swimming Carnival. What a day of participation, competition, racing, chanting and having fun! Throughout the day it was wonderful to see so many smiling, happy faces, whether they won a race, were awarded a ribbon or simply made it to the finish. This was the aim of the carnival, first and foremost. Of course, we do have to have a champion team at the end of the day. Hessian went into the event several points ahead, because of the selection trials for the swimming team a couple of weeks prior. They increased their lead throughout the day while the other three teams battled out 2nd, 3rd and 4th. At the end of the day the points tally was Hessian: 923, Joyce: 821, Doyle: 729, Dwyer: 512. Congratulations to Hessian House, led by Captain, Ryan Lamprey and Vice-Captain, Cooper Nichols, and to all boys on their participation. Congratulations also to Archie Ferguson (6L), who now holds the ‘King of the Pool’ mantle! We also say a big thank you to Mrs McCullagh for organising such an awesome carnival.
Over the past couple of weeks, the swimming team has participated in two representative carnivals: JSSATIS (for Independent Colleges) and STCPSSA (Catholic Primary Schools). For some of these boys, it was their first time representing the College. The boys performed admirably in both carnivals, displaying great sportsmanship and school pride as well as coming away with many ribbons. Congratulations to all boys and thank you to Mrs McCullagh for her organising of the carnival teams.
Ms Stary has been impressed with the creativity of our budding young artists in Prep. They have been exploring and experimenting with the use of colour in collage, combining this with cutting shapes to design flowerpots.
This week, we commenced our water polo training sessions. A group of bleary-eyed boys turned up for the first selection trial on Wednesday morning at the Aquatic Centre at 7.30 am. The good news is they managed to stay awake for the remainder of the day! Games commence on the first Friday of next term.
Congratulations to Miss Reardon and Angus Saunders who won footy tipping last week with a score of 8.
Thank you to everyone who has donated to the Easter Raffle. We have many items that have been packaged or grouped together to make some great prizes. The Mini Vinnies boys have been selling tickets at recess and lunch and they have been selling fast. Raffle prizes will be drawn at the end of term. Cost of raffle tickets and jar guesses will be 50c each. We thank you for your Easter egg donations and support of this great cause.
In addition to the raffle prizes and the 'Guess How Many Eggs in the Jar', the Mini Vinnies boys would like to make up an Easter hamper to be donated to Bethlehem House. Bethlehem House was set up by the St Vincent de Paul Society to support and provide accommodation for homeless men, and with whom the College has a strong, supportive relationship.
Junior School students who missed out on the scheduled photo day will have the opportunity for a follow up on Monday May 16. Formal uniform should be worn on this day.
The boys in Kindergarten have been out investigating and exploring out in the community.
Last week we ventured to the Royal Botanical Gardens of Tasmania to discover the changes the autumn season is making to the trees in the garden. We discovered some very old trees that had very long names. We played in the leaves and collected interesting leaves and cones. We visited the ducks and the veggie patch. We had lots of fun discovering all the hidden secrets of the Botanical Gardens.
Yesterday was our first Bush Kinder at the Austins Ferry campus. We donned our overalls in preparation for a cold and maybe muddy day, however the sun shone brightly. We were welcomed by our Principal Mr Jon Franzin and Director of Identity Mrs Bridget Jenkins. Mrs Jenkins helped organize our visit and Mr Mark (Bushy) Smith had prepared frames for a hut and a lean-to shelter and all the boys used branches and bark to cover the shelters. They built pretend fires and explored for insects and other creatures. Bushy took us to the veggie patch, and we picked and ate apples for a snack before we went for a long walk along the mountain bike track. We had a fabulous time.
We have been learning about the story of Easter and will be leading the Palm Sunday Liturgy with Prep on Monday. We are all very excited about Easter. Our Grade 6 buddies surprised us with by making us Easter Bunny ears and bringing us and Easter treats. What a wonderful way to build relationships and share the join of Easter.