From the Principal
Mr Jon Franzin
From the Principal
Mr Jon Franzin
Dear Parents, Students and Friends of St Virgil’s College,
The end of Lent signals the end of the beginning for us. Beginnings, like the start of a new school year, hold a wealth of promise. Then, time passing and the lessons of experience, often accompany a waning of that initial excitement and a growing need to face the sober realities of our own limitations and inevitable disappointments. Lent is a time to come to terms with that—it is part of the story of being human and Christian, and it is sometimes the story of each of us. Holy Thursday commemorates the beginnings of Jesus’ agony, of the fear and confusion of the Apostles, and by Good Friday the apparent destruction of the hopes not only of Jesus’ followers but also of Jesus himself. For most of us, our initial hopes are not shattered so violently, but we can relate to what has happened.
Then comes Easter. Which is why Lent is only the end of a beginning; not a complete end, but the precursor to something better than we could have imagined Jesus risen from the dead, gloriously. As humans and as Christians, we have high hopes, they can be lost, but God gives us some kind of capacity, some innate faith and hope, so that we pass through our disappointments and emerge more alive than ever. Carrying the marks of our experience, as Jesus carries his scars, but unexpectedly and unpredictably richer and more human. Lent and Easter are not merely religious festivals; they help us make sense of the sacred and profane realities of our own lives and are the well‐spring of our faith.
‘I know that faith is like a root that’s tough, inert, and old; yet it can send up its green shoot and flower against the cold. I know there is a grace that flows when all the springs run dry; it wells up to renew the rose and lift the cedars high.’ (James McAuley 1/5/76)
Next Thursday we celebrate an Easter Liturgy for the whole school, recognising that for many of our students this will be the only opportunity they have to experience the real meaning of Easter in terms of the betrayal and death of Jesus, preceding his resurrection to new life on Easter Sunday. The best religious education lesson you could give your sons this term could well be taking them to the Easter ceremonies. Starting with the symbolism of Holy Thursday evening, through to the tragedy of Good Friday, to the celebration of Easter Sunday.
I am pleased to advise that the Library Infill is due for practical completion at the end of next week. Staff have been given a tour of the new facility and are keen to utilise these wonderful learning spaces and offices next term. Classes are likely to commence in this area in Week 2 once staff have moved in and furniture has arrived, and minor defects rectified.
The Year 11&12 Building has made good progress in recent weeks with the demolition of the old music rooms and the preparation of the site nearly completed. Ground works will commence in the coming weeks with services roughed in and footings prepared in anticipation for the concrete slab to be poured. The holiday break will be a good opportunity for our builders to undertake work with minimal disruption and we all look forward to returning to see the progress achieved during this period.
Best wishes for the week ahead.
Jon Franzin