Careers Update

Monash University – Access Monash program
The Access Monash Mentoring program is an initiative to provide intensive mentoring support to secondary school students who aspire to university study. This program pairs Year 11 and 12 students with an experienced and engaged Monash student mentor in a one-on-one mentoring relationship in the final years of secondary school.
Mentees receive individual support from their mentor who has walked a similar life path to them, in preparation for their future study and career. Through this, mentees can gain insight into university life. They learn from the experience of their mentors, participate in campus visits, and develop connections to university.
Monash University held a 'mentoring program launch’ on Friday 18 March, with the purpose of the launch to provide students with the skills required to foster a successful e-mentoring partnership.
Congratulations to Imogen Beatson and Sophia Heyblom for being accepted into the program!
Year 7 Learning to Learn
Last week our Year 7’s had their second careers session in their ‘Learning to Learn’ class. They have been learning all about their individual strengths, skills, and interests through fun activities. The sessions began by reflecting on the learning from Session One followed by a Careers Department designed game of Snakes and Ladders. The game helped the students discover news things about themselves and was a huge hit with students!
Year 9 My Career Insights - Morrisby Careers assessment
My Career Insights is designed to help students discover, develop, and drive their career planning. It's a unique opportunity for them to learn more about their strengths and abilities while exploring potential career options – giving them the confidence to start taking control of their future.
Year 9 is an ideal time for students to take a moment to reflect on who they are, and what they might want from a career. It's a time for self-discovery, and an opportunity to think about their strengths and find new ones.
Step 1: Discover - Students begin with Morrisby, the online discovery tool designed to help them learn more about themselves – their values, preferences, and skills – giving them a better understanding of where their strengths lie. These personal insights help open a variety of possible career pathways, specifically tailored to who they are.
This will take place during Week 5, Term 2 – 23 May – 27 May
Step 2: Develop - It’s now time for students to share what they have discovered. My Career Insights allows students to talk one-on-one with an independent career counsellor about any initial ideas and thoughts. This discussion will help them to set realistic goals and start putting actions in place to continue their career journey.
This will take place during Week 8, Term 2 – 14 June – 22 June
Step 3: Drive - My Career Insights aims to give students the confidence to start making more informed choices and decisions around their future schooling and widen their perspective on potential career options. It puts them in the driver's seat of their career journey. What a fantastic opportunity for our Year 9’s to have this careers assessment done prior to their course selections for 2023.
Please see the below link for further information about ‘My Career Insights’
Australian Defence Force
Last week, the Australian Defence Force came to speak to students about careers within the ADF. LS Thomas Gower from the Navy and CPL Alan Heintz from the Army shared their journey and highlights from their career.
Students were able to ask questions about the entry requirements, the vast range of careers, and their most enjoyable experiences within the ADF. Careers within our Defence force are exciting and very rewarding. Have a look at their website and discover what careers are available.
AIE - Academy of Interactive Entertainment
AIE conducted an online careers presentation for interested Year 10, 11 and 12 students. Students heard all about the different career pathways into gaming, 3D animation, web design, Film, VFX, and VR. The presentation covered:
- Who is AIE?
- Australian Gaming Industry
- Game Companies and Games our Alumni worked on
- Australian Featured Film/VFX Industry
- Film/VFX Companies and Films our Alumni worked on
- Other industry opportunities in Games and 3D Animation
- Different study stream/course options
- Detail of each stream: Game Art, Game Design, Game Programming, 3D Animation, Film
- What makes AIE different from other study institutes
Check out AIE’s website
Inspiring Luncheon
A group of our students attended a luncheon at the Italian Australian Club on 22 March. The aim of the luncheon was to link successful men and women in our community with young people needing some insight and information about specific careers or general information about career journeys. The students met some amazing people and really enjoyed this event!
Year 12 University Camp
Our University Camp is happening on the 27 and 28 April first week of Term Two. We will be visiting 3 Universities and the VCE Careers Expo to discover possible pathways for their Career planning. The focus will be on students being able to explore and understand the different options for potential course selections moving into their final year of school. The universities will be conducting detailed presentations about courses, benefits and supports they offer. Students will also take part in campus tours and briefings about entry requirements. We will also visit Australia’s largest VCE Careers Expo which has 150 exhibitors. We have 50 students and 5 staff attending this camp. Stay tuned for the next newsletter to hear all about the adventures had.
Part time work
Are you looking for part time work? Do you need help with your resume?
We can help you, so come and see us in the Sareers room.
Below are some links of businesses that you can apply to:
Coles -
IGA supermarkets -
Woolworths -
McDonalds -
Kmart -
Kentucky Fried Chicken -
Hungry Jacks -
Bunnings -
Careers Support
We are available as a support for students and parents with any questions or queries you have. Please feel free to contact the Careers team:
Kirsty Mitchell ph: 51279225 or
Alisha Disisto ph: 51279264 or