Assistant Principal's Report


As mentioned in a previous newsletter – EVERY SCHOOL DAY COUNTS.


We are collecting fortnightly data which indicates our attendance data and we will be celebrating students who have high attendance rates. It is obvious that we would like all our students to be attending school every day, but this isn’t always the case.


We understand there are unavoidable events or situations that occur such as illness and bereavement that lead to a percentage of our absences at Warrnambool College but our school is dedicated through the work of our House System and class room staff members to try and work with families and students to minimise any other student absences.


REMINDER : an SMS will be sent to a family if your child has been marked ‘not present’ in either Tutorial or Period 1. Our teaching staff will ensure the roll is marked accurately and the roll will also indicate if a student has turned up late to class.


Could all families please speak to students who walk/ride to and from school regarding the route/path they are taking? The surrounding area of our school is very busy before and after school and the City Council is trying to ensure all students arriving and leaving our campus are using the identified school crossings. These school crossings provide a safe entry and exit point for all students and it also makes the traffic flow around our school during these times far safer.


NAPLAN testing will take place 14/15/16 May (Week 4). All Year 7 and Year 9 students (including Year 10G) will participate in the NAPLAN testing. If you would prefer that your child does not sit the NAPLAN testing you need to contact Emma Miller to discuss the formal process of withdrawing your child from the testing sessions. Students can’t provide a note from home on the day of testing to withdraw; there is a formal process organised by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority that we must follow.


We realise that the weather is starting to become colder and the rain will begin to fall, however we encourage all families to ensure their child is attending school in full school uniform. Our school uniform is very flexible and provides many options to keep warm during the winter months. We will conducting uniform checks at every year level in the upcoming weeks to ensure all students are in full school uniform.