Principal's Report
During the school holidays I had the privilege of spending some time with our Indonesian sister school communities in Yogyakarta. The generosity they showed to our visiting students and staff was incredible. I was reminded again of the importance of linking our school to a global context and how wonderful it is to genuinely understand and immersively learn about other cultures and language. If your child is in year 7 or year 8 and is considering their elective options into the years to come, I would certainly recommend that they continue with their language studies in either French or Indonesian. It will open up vast new worlds to them, geographically, emotionally, culturally and professionally.
The start of term 2 is always a bit interesting to navigate given the close proximity of public holidays to the school holidays that have just finished. This year, having three public holidays in the first two weeks has had me checking which day it actually is each morning when I wake up. It will be good to get back to a rhythm of five school days from next week to support everyone’s learning at Warrnambool College.
It was great to see so many parents and students at our parent teacher interviews last week and this week. As a parent myself, I know how valuable these conversations are with teachers to understand my child’s learning progress, how I can get involved at home to support this learning and what the next areas for improvement are. I hope you also found these discussions invaluable for you. If you didn’t get a chance to touch base with some classroom teachers or you have follow up questions relating to the interviews, please feel free to email these teachers with relevant queries. At Warrnambool College we know that learning is a partnership between school and home and we want to involve you in your child’s learning on a continual basis.
With NAPLAN testing, school camps, a variety of excursions and winter sports upon us in the coming month, the terms is certainly getting busy quickly. I hope you’re staying warm and keeping well as the days get shorter.
Kind Regards,
Dave Clift