Secondary 7/8 Events and Programs

Students Interviews
Name: Sierra and Meryem
Class: SEO
Etaoin thinks you have both had a fantastic year. What have been the highlights for you?
S: I only started in third term but I have loved swimming (Outdoor Education), Bowling and Golf (Challenge Program). I have enjoyed playing with my BFF Kaitlin and the footy day!
M: I loved doing the Hairspray Spectacular! I enjoyed camp this year, especially when I did the giant swing and abseiling. I liked playing soccer and basketball at the Challenge Program.
What was your favourite subject this year and why?
S: I love swimming the most because I got to wear my bathers and go out of the school. I love swimming!
M: I love music, art, PE and maths. Music is fun and I love singing!
What are your plans for the school holidays?
S: My plans are to wait for Christmas and on Christmas Eve I won’t sleep….I will be too excited! I am going to catch up with my friend Kaitlin and go to the movies. I will probably go to Funfields too. I usually go with my family on the Christmas holidays.
M: I will be going to the beach with my baba (grandmother). I like collecting sea shells. We don’t celebrate Christmas because we are Turkish. I will just relax and take it easy.
What year level are you going in to next year? How are you feeling about 2019?
S: I am going in to year 8. I am kind of nervous about it. I am nervous about who will be in my class.
M: I am going in to year 8 as well. I feel a little bit fine but also nervous. I am nervous about not knowing other people.
Do you have any tips for students or families moving in to the Secondary 7/8 section in 2019?
S: Don’t be nervous, its fine! The year 7’s going in to year 8 will be there and able to support you.
M: Make sure you are well behaved for the teachers. And make good choices and decisions!
What an action-packed, fun-filled and engaging year SFC Secondary 7/8 PreCAL have had! The students can be very proud of all they have achieved and how they have embraced the new experiences and challenges of various activities.
Amira: I liked Yoga.
Mary: Making soaps was fun.
Gabriel: I liked the NGV. We drew our faces on a computer.
Trai: ArtVo at Docklands
Ryan: I like the soaps. Green cactus.
Emily: I liked making the purple heat packs.
Caitlin: The pink soap is my favourite.
Liam: I liked all of it. The YMCA was fun.
Emma: I liked making the heat packs and soap.
Travis: Cooking, yoga and making heat packs.
Jessie: I like the fire, police and ambulance visits.
Christina: (I love my new) friends.
End of year
Students are gearing up for the end of year class excursions and celebrations. These have well and truly be earned by the teachers, ES, trainees and students. They have worked hard all year across all curriculum areas and extracurricular activities. Classes are off to a range of venues; such as Luna Park, Funfields or Healesville Sanctuary. Students voted on their location for their excursion and I am sure they will have a lot of fun! We look forward to hearing the stories and seeing the photos. Well done to all of the Secondary 7/8 team for a wonderful year!
Some students have been writing some lovely letters to their friends from this year. These two were written by Noah S and Jai B in SCO.