Maths and Numeracy

We are at now at the business end of Term 1 in Maths, with students in all year levels completing their various common assessment tasks and school assessed coursework.
Across Year 7 and 8 students are actively engaging in their projects about fractions and ratios, while Year 9 students are applying these concepts to challenging open ended problem solving questions. Year 10s are streaming ahead, having finished their work in Algebra, and are now moving on to Measurement. Our lessons in the last two weeks of term are humming with student-student discussion.
Our Year 11 and 12 students are soon to be finishing up their first round of SACs with some excellent results. They have engaged in mature conversations about the correlation between efforts and results, and have been reflecting on where they can improve their study efforts to achieve the most success this year in Maths.
As a reminder, the assessment tasks for each year level have been set as learning tasks on Compass and are visible to students and parents.
Kaitlin Richards
Maths and Numeracy Domain Leader