Positive Rewards

Year 7 SRC Captains
Congratulations to the two successful applicants for our vacant Year 7 SRC positions:
- Yasmin Matasic (7C)
- Zarif Ahmed (7B)
Both students made excellent applications and interviewed exceptionally well. We are very pleased to have them both on board and very much look forward to working with them on a range of projects this year.
Class Values Cards Competition
The Values Cards system at John Fawkner is something we are very proud of. It is greatly appreciated by teachers and students as it gives us all an easy and quick way to recognise the many small, but excellent examples of conduct by the students that meets the expectations described in our Values Matrix.
We have a competition going between each class, to see which group can cliam the most Values Cards each term. As things stand, the leading classes are:
..but it is very close and the other classes can easily catch-up.
Individual Awards
At our recent Year Level Assemblies we were proud to be able to reward those students that have received the most Values Card so far in the term, which is something we will do frequently. Congratulations to the following students:
Respect - Hind Ayad
Continuous Improvement - Yasmin Matasic
Commitment - Yasmin Michelle Triulcio
Academic Excellence - Omar-Taslim Ceesay
Respect - Allegra Meimeteas
Commitment - Yeesra Kaddour
Continuous Improvement - Imran Atik
Academic Excellence - Jovelyn Reyes
Respect - Liana D'Agostino
Commitment - Jake Zivanovic
Continuous Improvement - Charbel Barcham
Academic Excellence - William Tran
Respect - Syed Jaffry
Commitment - Sean Watkins
Continuous Improvement - Sohaib Mubarak
Academic Excellence - Ali Mohammed
Respect - Tyler-Jade Satele
Commitment - Karmel Abu Katmeh
Continuous Improvement - Zack Kaddour
Academic Excellence - Nadin Ahmad
Respect - Jessica Pierce
Commitment - Aditya Koirala
Continuous Improvement -Helal Beirouti
Academic Excellence - Ezel Cagin
Year 9
Respect - Loujane Kaddour
Commitment - Muskan Mehra
Continuous Improvement -Hasan Allouche
Academic Excellence - John Liapis
Year 10
Respect - Yasir Nur
Commitment - Ahmad Mohammad
Continuous Improvement - Fahmi Yaqo
Academic Excellence - Rowda Kalil