RE News

Fourth Week of Lent 

Arsad, an Indonesian farmer, had no toilet in his house, so always had to walk into the forest to the open defecation area. His family was often sick and open defecation caused many neighbourhood disputes. With the support of Caritas Australia and its partner agency,  Laz Harfa,  Arsad took part in hygiene, sanitation and financial management training. He then funded the building of a toilet in his house and helped other community members to save money to construct their own toilet.

Now,  Arsad’s family is healthier, their community no longer practices open defecation and is more harmonious.  Arsad inspired his community to ‘Be More.’

·       Around 17 percent of Indonesia’s rural population, or 45 million people, practice open defecation – going to the toilet outdoors in fields, forests and other open spaces. (World Bank)

Watch a short film about Arsad’s storyhere.

 “Aspire not to have more, but to be more.”  

Easter Egg Guessing Competition

Mrs Howarth has organised an Easter Egg Guessing Competition. Students and staff can guess how many easter eggs are in a jar for 50c a guess. The winner will be the person who guesses the correct number or the closest to that number.  All money raised from this will be donated to Project Compassion.


Project Compassion 

Earlier in the term, each family received a Project Compassion box. The money raised will help support the work of Caritas Australia and your generosity illuminates hope for those in dire circumstances. Please continue to put your spare change into the Project Compassion box. After the holidays we will be asking for these boxes to be returned to school so that we can send this money to Caritas Australia.

St Patrick’s Day 

As mentioned earlier St Patrick's Day is on this Wednesday. St Patrick is the Patron Saint of Ireland, so to recognise the day we are inviting all students to wear something green with their sports uniform. This might be a green hat, socks, ribbon or accessory. 


Year of St Joseph

In a new Apostolic Letter entitled Patris corde(“With a Father’s Heart”), Pope Francis describes Saint Joseph as a beloved father, a tender and loving father, an obedient father, an accepting father; a father who is creatively courageous, a working father, a father in the shadows.

The Letter marks the 150th anniversary of Blessed Pope Pius IX’s declaration of St Joseph as Patron of the Universal Church. To celebrate the anniversary, Pope Francis has proclaimed a special “Year of St Joseph,” beginning on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception 2020 and extending to the same feast in 2021.


Sacred Heart School was founded by the Sister's of St Joseph in 1911 and we will recognise St Joseph’s Day with a special prayer at assembly on Friday.