Clean up Australia Day

Clean Up Australia Day - 5th March 2021
On Friday, March 5th the students in 3/4 Howley, White and Freeman joined forces with Miss White and Mrs Pellegrino to 'Clean up Australia'.
We took a walk around the block from Barker Avenue to Breage Court, picking up scraps of paper and odd bits and ends that were laying about in empty blocks of land, street gutters and nature strips. All rubbish was picked up with tongs and the children thoroughly washed and sanitised their hands afterwards.
It was wonderful to see the students demonstrating great community spirit and action in keeping our streets around our beautiful school clean. Many of the students expressed great enthusiasm and wanted to do it again soon!
Great Job to all the students and teachers who took on this initiative. Next year we have plans to make it a whole school focus. Top effort 3/4 students!
Here are some of the great Posters the children did: