Library News 


Library Club - Wednesdays & Fridays at lunchtime.  Students have been enjoying visiting the Library on Wednesday's and Friday's during lunchtimes.   Groups of students are drawing together or  colouring in book characters, many are taking the opportunity to explore our books on our shelves and read quietly and some are just enjoying chatting about all things books with friends or me!

Playing a game of chess
Quiet reading
Lots to do!
Drawing & chatting - junior & senior students together
Exploring our books
Playing a game of chess
Quiet reading
Lots to do!
Drawing & chatting - junior & senior students together
Exploring our books

 Library Lessons

This term our Preps have been enjoying reading books by Eric Carle and creating some of his characters using his illustrating styles of collage and drawing.

Our 1/2 students have been reading books by Nick Bland and exploring his characters and their traits and enjoying his rhyme and repetition in his texts.

Nick Bland - The Very Cranky Bear
Eric Carle - The Mixed Up Chameleon & The Very Quiet Cricket
Nick Bland - The Very Cranky Bear
Eric Carle - The Mixed Up Chameleon & The Very Quiet Cricket

All students in 3 - 6 have been exposed to our well resourced Fiction section of the many chapter books that we have.  Each week, we have looked at different shelves and promoted a variety of novels for all different reading levels. Students have been encouraged to branch out and select some new authors or series to read.

Onomatopoeia and rhyme  has been identified in picture story books for our 3/4 students.

In 5/6 our students have been exploring some ballads of A B Patterson that have been published as picture books.

By the end of this term, all classes will have done some work on Cyber Safety as we continue to make them responsible, respectful and safe online users.


Our school library has a new software program - Softlink: Oliverv5 for all our cataloguing and searching of books.  The student program is called Orbit and our 3 - 6 students have been introduced to it and have been shown how to do their own search for availability of a book.  Students can search from home as this is a 'cloud' program and can be accessed from the student webpage.  

Student Interface - Orbit
Student Interface - Orbit


Scholastic Bookclub at COHR

Thank You to families that have placed orders for Issue 1 & 2 (still to arrive).  Boxes of books have been delivered and students are enjoying their own newly purchased books or borrowing the new books from the Library. Issue 1 was our biggest order placed, so thank you as our school receives rewards towards free books from Scholastic.

Many thanks to Anna Saraullo and Agnes Bermingham who organise and place our orders for our families, we are very grateful for your time and support in coordinating this.


STORYBOX LIBRARY - School Subscription

Story Box Library
Story Box Library

Looking for some extra stories to enjoy as a family after you have read your Library book together?  Log onto Storybox Library and access our school subscription.

 Log in details are.

Username:  cohrstorybox          Password: cohr2020



Covering Books - WOW! We had 10 parents offer to help cover books.  Throughout the year, bags of books with contact will arrive for you to contact. We are very grateful to these parents that have offered their assistance.


 Please contact me if you have any questions, queries or suggestions.


Mrs Karen Wakeling