First Reconciliation & Sacraments in 2021

First Reconciliation

Next week as we 'catch up' on our 2020 Sacramental celebrations, Year 3 & 4 students, will celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time on Wednesday 24th March at 6pm or 7:30pm. All families should have nominated a time and returned the note listing who will be attending the liturgies. 


I hope the families who participated in the Family Night Google Meet enjoyed the opportunity to take time to focus on the Sacrament of Reconciliation and share their thoughts and reflections. Mr Welsford and I were certainly amazed by the children's responses as they shared what they had learnt that night. Tomorrow as final stage in our preparations we will be celebrating Reconciliation Reflection Day, at school and all Year 3/4 students may wear casual clothes. 


It is wonderful to see how the children have engaged themselves in the learning around this most special step on their faith journey. Especially our Year 4 students who last year prepared for First Reconciliation, only to have our first lockdown occur days before the liturgies. Please remember all the candidates in your prayers.


2021Sacramental Dates

The following are the planned dates for our COHR Sacramental Program. They are very much subject to change as required and we will communicate these changes when and if they need to occur. Bookings will be taken closer to the celebrations to ensure we are following the COVID guidelines of the time.


First Eucharist - Year 4 & 5

Sunday 18th July - 1:30pm & 3:30pm

Sunday 25th  July - 1:30pm & 3:30pm


Confirmation - Year 6

Wednesday 21st July - 7:00pm - Please note this is the only time and date that we have been given at this stage and may change or be added to, depending on the restrictions for the Church at this time and the availability of the Bishops.