
The Library is open from 8.00am to 4.00pm each day, including recess and lunchtime.  


Librarian - Mrs Lynn Swannell

ICT Manager - Mr Kevin Hunter

ICT Technician - Mr Sam Karagiannis

2021 Library Team

Congratulations to the following students who have been selected as members of our 2021 Library Team.  You will get to 'meet' each of them in future newsletters as they tell us about what they enjoy reading and activities they are involved in.


Lizzie Abeling - Year 9 - Library Team Leader

John Luong Year 9

Lily Highgate Year 9

Ruby Camilleri Year 7

Charlotte Hatfield Year 7

Matilda Butterworth Year 7

Isabelle Seear Year 7

Olivia Harrison Year 7

Harry Walker Year 7

Jim Pemberton Year 7

Alex Michod Year 7


I look forward to working with you all in making our Library a great space for everyone to enjoy.

Overdue Library Books

There are still a few students with outstanding library books from last year and if you do have any then please return these promptly.

It is very important that students check their school emails regularly for library notices regarding any overdue books. 

Please check with Mrs Swannell if you have any queries about misplaced or lost items.

'Love Your Library' Competition Winner

Congratulations to Brianna Watkins 7H who won the jar of lollies in our 'Library Lovers' competition. 

There were 216 lollies in the jar and Brianna guessed 215... well done.

New Titles & Requests

We have a great selection of new titles being added to our collection each term and if you have a request for a particular title, author, series then please let myself or one of our Library Team members know and we will endeavour to get these in for you.

ICT Knowledgebase and Helpdesk

ICT Knowledgebase 

The ICT Knowledgebase has been developed to allow users to find answers to many of the common questions and issues.  The Knowledgebase allows users to search throughout the articles and categories available and will display any results that fit your search criteria.  

Please note: The ICT Knowledgebase should be the first stop if you are having issues and then if there are no solutions contained within it, please utilise the ICT Helpdesk to log your specific request. The ICT Knowledgebase can be accessed for the following link:  

ICT Helpdesk 

The ICT Helpdesk is now available to allow both students and parents to directly email or log ICT support requests.  These requests will be placed in a queue and a member of the ICT Team will respond to your specific issue.  Please include as much detail as possible in order to assist us in solving the issue in a timely manner.  Please note that this service is for ICT issues only. 

You can log a request by following the directions contained in the ICT support knowledgebase article: