We are looking for donations or to borrow costumes for our upcoming senior production. We are specifically looking for:
Hats, Dresses, Skirts, Blouses, Lace up boots,
Police uniforms, Reading glasses. Anything reflecting the period we would happily accept.
We are looking for keen and able students and families willing to help build and paint the set for our senior production of ‘Picnic at Hanging Rock’. If you are keen to come along and help either at rehearsals or at the working bee over the holidays, we’d be thrilled to have you!
Students who would like to join the backstage production team, we will have a meeting in L1 at Lunchtime on Tuesday 9th of March for sign ups and parents, if you could register your interest with Mel Evans and we will contact you to confirm times and dates. Looking forward to working with you all!
Laura Zimmerling and Mel Evans
This term we have five Year 9 students who are attending the Snowy River Leadership School which is a term long residential program, although the students did have an unscheduled return home for 8 days due to the recent lockdown! The following is a report from the campers.
“This is Xavier reporting to you from the Snowy River Campus. Myself and the whole MESC Team have been enjoying our stay here so far. The activities we've completed this week include an introduction to canoeing. The canoe we rode in was a Canadian 2 person canoe which was hard since I think most of us were used to a kayak which had a paddle at each end of the rod rather than the canoe where each person has a singular paddle. We learnt strokes for moving the canoe in different directions and we also learnt how to deal with capsizing. We also did a half day bike ride that started and ended at the camp, in total it was around 22 km, about half way we turned down an off road walking/bike track that lead all the way to Marlo. When we got to Marlo we went through town and sat down at a park and ate lunch and then we went back the way we came but Emma and Olivia got lost. Another thing we learnt that I found was very important was how to perform CPR on an unconscious patient using the DRSABCD which is a series of steps to perform CPR on someone. We did a test and the majority of us got it correct. Life at Snowy is really fun since you’ve got all the friends you’ve made here right down the hall from you and the teachers have a really calm approach to your learning. The learning environment is around you because only half the time you are doing inside work. Some things we have learned about are having a growth mindset, respectful relationships and positive approach to health and well-being. Then there's the other half which is all your sports and activities like bike riding ,surfing, canoeing, team collaboration work and an Expo which we go on next week.
Even with the snap lockdown affecting the running of a couple of inter-school sport dates, MESC has had a successful start to SSV inter-school sport.
I’m pleased to announce the following results:
- the Intermediate Girls tennis team won the district competition and will compete at the Regional Finals on April 30th next term.
- The Intermediate Girls Ultimate Frisbee won the District Event.
- The Girls and Boys Volleyball teams both came 2nd in their competition.
Students in our Hands on Learning program (HoL) have been off to a busy start with a number of new projects on the go. This has included:-
- cleaning out a section of the HoL hut
- dismantling old shelving units
- washing and painting walls in the HOL hut ready for new cupboards to be installed
- continuing to work on the outdoor chicken coop (chickens soon to follow!)
- feeding our budgies
- cleaning the back of the bike shed ready to build a timber storage unit
Our aviary has also provided great learning opportunities as some of our quails have created a nest and laid eggs.
Hands On Learning (HoL) is an innovative education program which caters to the different ways young people learn, giving participants the aspiration to realize their potential alongside their regular classroom learning.
Loren and Stephen