Teaching and Learning

This is the best definition of teamwork that I have heard:

‘The only reason I’m here is for everybody’s success….’ 

This mantra has been communicated to all our students in assemblies, classes and informal chats in the yard at recess and lunchtimes. The notion of collective efficacy can never be underestimated as every staff member, every student has the responsibility to ensure that Mount Eliza Secondary College flourishes in a culture that develops the strengths of EVERY student. Schools are more than what happens in the classroom – it’s also about our students having friends and developing relationships that make schools a great place to be every day and a great place to learn, every day. We must continue to work together to flourish as a community.

As such, many of our teachers are undertaking hours of professional learning to deliver best practice and curriculum to all our students. I would like to commend the work of so many of our staff who are undertaking training in Professional Learning Communities that will be used to deliver even more detailed, research-driven practice that will lift student outcomes.

Respectful Community Interactions

At our college, we are very lucky that all the staff, both teaching and non-teaching, are all committed to the success for all our students. 

The expectation is that all our interactions need to be positive and solution focussed. 




These conversations need to always be respectful, timely and cover off on three aspects –decision, action and accountability. 

To expand on this idea, decision pertains to an outcome, action reflects putting structures and agreements into place and accountability points to all parties keeping up their end of any negotiated action. The importance of being solution focussed must be at the forefront of every interaction, in a positive environment.


Fun at Camp!

Year 7s had a fantastic time on their camp at The Summit last week and there have been a few weary students since then! But, to their credit, they have soldiered on and come back to school, buzzing with enthusiasm about the camp and glad to be back in their normal classes. A huge thank you to all the staff that attended the camp – the staff discretionary effort affords all our students the best possible opportunities and experiences. Thank you to Mr Will Lawson, our MYP Educational Leader for all his organisation in ensuring the smooth running of the camp.


School Tours

It is so exciting and lovely to see so many parents attending our School Tours with their sons/daughters – especially after a very restrictive 2020 in this space! 

Ably led by our Acting Assistant Principal, Mrs Celeste Lombardi, with the assistance of our student leaders/ambassadors, families have an opportunity to visit the school during the day, observing our college ‘live’ – students engaged in their learning!

If you know any families that want to visit our college, please let them know that we are now taking bookings. Please contact the College for further guided information.


James Barut

Acting Principal


Today we farewelled a much loved staff member, Ros Williams, who has made the decision to retire after a 43 year connection to the College.  Ros started at Mount Eliza High School in 1978 as a Physical Education teacher who also taught a little bit of Geography and History, before moving into the performing and creative arts areas of textiles and food technology.  However Ros’s passion, and areas for which she is most remembered,  are the Aerobics teams, Rock Eisteddfods, and School Productions.  Along with other staff Ros took groups to State, Interstate and National competitions as well as leading tours of school productions in Germany, Italy, France and England – an experience many will never forget.  Ros has worked with, and guided, many students and staff over the years both in and out of the classroom and will be fondly remembered as a compassionate, helpful, calm, supportive, inclusive and fun person. She will be sadly missed by all within the MESC Community but we know she will keep in touch as she travels Australia with husband Gary and enjoys time with her family before settling in Queensland. 

We love you Ros!

MESC Community