School expectation regarding Uniforms & wearing of masks

See end of this page for Uniform Policy



Dear parents and carers,


 I have been dismayed at the number of students who are currently not recognising school expectations around uniform and face masks. At Woodmans Hill Secondary College, school uniform is compulsory. The only concessions that we are currently making is for students who have PE on a specific day can wear full PE kit. This is in recognition of the fact that students are still unable to share changing rooms as a result of COVID-safe advice. If parents or carers need to re-familiarise themselves with school uniform expectations, 


 Our uniform policy outlines all of our expectations, including acceptable footwear and socks. Can I ask that you work with the school on this, so that the positive message that we want to send out about Woodmans Hill Secondary College to our community is reinforced by our students and how they present themselves. If any parent or carer needs are experiencing difficulty providing correct uniform for their child, please contact me via the main office.  



 Additionally, I have seen an increase in students turning up to school without face masks. Can I remind all parents and carers the following from the government website;  


  'In line with advice from the Victorian Chief Health Officer, people aged 12 years and older must wear a face mask in public settings including schools, early childhood education and care services and places of study, unless an exception applies...People aged 12 years and older must wear a face mask in public indoor settings including schools, early childhood education centres and places of study. Face masks are strongly recommended when outdoors and at least 1.5 metres distance cannot be maintained.' 


Thank you for your support on addressing these issues.


Stephan Fields
