Year 7 Camp

Year 7 Camp

by Krisha Kancharla


Hi everyone,

My name is Krisha. I am in Year 7 and I am going to talk about our great experience at Year 7 camp. I think Year 7 camp was amazing and I think most people would agree. It was an opportunity for us to make new friends, try new things, and to most of all have fun. Lots of people were thrilled to do the giant swing and riding the four-wheeled bikes were interesting as we learnt the difficulties of reverse parking next to other vehicles. The food at camp was delicious, since we were hungry before mealtimes I recall all Year 7s lining up waiting for food all thinking, ’when will they open the doors’, well at least that was what I was thinking. I'm not usually a morning walk person but I thought it was a great opportunity to capture the great view of the beach.  The talent quest and dance party was entertaining, I was enjoying everyone's performances and dances. We all shared a special moment where we all sang songs . I never thought I would be singing let it go in Year 7 but it does remind us of memories from many years ago. I would like to say a big  thank you on behalf of all of the other Year 7s to the teachers who put in all this effort to make it a memorable experience we will never forget. I hope all other year levels enjoyed Year 7 camp as much as we did. We would like to show you our year 7 camp video made by miss leggo and our Year 7 students we hope you enjoy our camp experiences.