Class Representatives 2021

Class Representatives Program

Beaumaris North Primary School encourages the active involvement of parents and guardians in the functioning of the school through a Class Representative Program.

The Class Representative role involves:

  • Supporting the class teacher when and if required.
  • Providing administrative support through co-ordination, facilitation and communication to the class parent group.
  • Organising social functions e.g. morning teas and dinners for the parents, class play dates for the children.
  • Where requested by teachers, organising parent helpers for class activities and programs like swimming, reading, sports events etc.
  • Encouraging and supporting the members of the class group to get involved in school community activities and events.
  • Welcoming new families to the class and arranging appropriate introductions with other parents of the class.

Class Representative meetings are held once per term in the staffroom. The meetings provide the opportunity to discuss any issues relating to the role of the Class Representative and to share information about upcoming school events and class/year level activities.


Two calls for expression of interests have been sent out, thank you to the people who have volunteered to become a Class Representative so far.  Nat Northey mother of Maddi (1C) and Zoe (3A) has kindly offered to be the Class Representative Co-ordinator and she will be in touch soon with you.


We are hoping to get a class representative for the following classes.


2A 2B 2C

3B 3C 3D

4B 4C 4D

5A 5B 5C

6B 6D


If you are interested please contact Nat 0408 442 992