Student Interview

Student Interview

Annie and Lucy - Year 6


What Do You Love about School?

Annie - Learning fun subjects

Lucy - Learning Maths and Inquiry


What are you most Proud of?

Annie -  Being selected to be a First Aid Captain

Lucy -  The same :)


Who Is Your Hero?

Annie - My hero is Turia Pitt

Lucy - My hero is Bethany Hamilton



Do You Play A Sport Or Have A Hobby?

Annie - My hobby is rock climbing and yoga

Lucy - I play basketball and swim

What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up?

Annie -  I want to be a teacher

Lucy - A surgeon


What Is Something You Saw Recently That Made You Smile/be Happy?

Annie- My friends and family

Lucy - My friends and family


If You Had 3 Wishes, What Would You Wish For?


1: To travel the World

2: To become a teacher

3: To live a good life



1: To travel the World

2: To be famous

3: To live in a house with all my friends