Interview with Mrs Melissa Ball

Interview With

 Mrs Melissa Ball 3A

How Long Have You Worked At BNPS?

I have worked here for 16 years full time. During that time I have worked in Prep, Year One and Year Three.

My three children also went to BNPS so I have been part of the community for a long time. 



Who inspires you?  

I had an amazing teacher called Miss Burns in primary school. 

I was lucky enough to have her for three years in a row. She is why I became a teacher. She was very good at playing the guitar, maybe that can be a new goal of mine!


My mum is also pretty great. 



What is your favourite thing to do on the weekends? 

Reading my kindle (by the pool if the weather is nice) and going to the city for Dumplings!!

I also love playing tennis. 



If you weren’t a Teacher what do you think you might be doing?  

I always wanted to be a teacher or a flight attendant!


Are you an early bird or a night owl?  

I’m definitely an early bird – which is good because my cat Joey is an early bird too.


What might someone be surprised to know about you ?

Some people might not know that I have three adult children. They are 21, 23 and 25 years old.


What’s something you saw recently that made you smile?  

Last week Grace B and Grace W in my class drew a beautiful picture of 3A.

It makes me smile every time I look at it. They have included all of the students in 3A in the picture.


Here it is:


If you could trade places with anyone for a day, who would you choose ?

I would like to trade places with Ash Barty because I’d love to see what it feels like to hit the ball like her.

Hopefully the trade would take place on a day she wins a grand slam!

What would you like to say to your class? 

A little bit cryptic, but my class love solving the Target word each day. Here is one that describes how their first term of Year 3 has been:





Well done 3A!!