Student Newspaper

coming soon!

School Newspaper coming soon! 


A new school club started this term. During Press Gang, kids from years 3 to 6 are working with a journalist to create a new school newspaper for the GEPS community. 

Kids will learn about different ways to present news and will have a say in what stories get published. 

New members are welcome to come along to the Tech Cave on Wednesday lunchtimes. 

Look out for the new paper at the end of this term! In the meantime, here is a little taster.... 


Fab Four! Important Ways To Stay Healthy. 

By Kyedon, Celine & Malak 


If you stay healthy you will have a happy life. Here are some tips. 


1. Water is good because it will give you energy 

2. Exercise every day because it's good for you 

3. Healthy food is great to eat and makes you strong. Salad is great because it's delicious! 

4. Get plenty of sleep and you will feel healthy and have more energy