In the Classroom & Beyond

Yr 10 Microbiology students staining bacterial endospores

Yr 10 Microbiology students planning their own investigations

Good Luck Christabelle!

Good luck to Year 10 student, Christabelle Sriritana who is leaving on Sunday for 2 weeks in Hungary competing at the World Robot Olympiad. 

Christabelle and her sister have got through regional, state and national finals to get to this point..


From 8 to 10 November, selected teams from all over the world will travel to the city of Győr in Hungary. The WRO 2019 International Final is organized by Edutus University, in Hungary. 


This year's WRO theme is SMART Cities. The season challenges are connected to new concepts, new ideas and new technologies that help building the cities of the future. Part of the Olympiads activities is to  build and program two robots on the spot and then play a game against another countries competitors.


For more information about the Olympiad click here:-


Good luck Christabelle from all of us at JMSS!