30 Year Reunion 

Class of 1987

On Saturday 6 May a 30 year reunion was held for the class of 1987.  This group is well connected and word gets around as our gatherings are always well attended.


Thanks to Annie Zahra who always manages to hang onto phone numbers and contact details, reuniting everyone each time this groups gathers and also to those who used social media to reach out and contact other past pupils.


It was a popular afternoon with more than 60 past pupils enjoying the hospitality of the Past Pupils' Network starting with drinks and nibbles in the College Meeting Room.  There was a lot of laughter whilst perusing photos of old classes, debutante balls, camps, numerous photos in the grounds and of course the favourite - photos of Bob Hawke at Kilbreda in 1987, amidst a media frenzy,  playing volleyball with the Year 12s on the oval.  Thanks to all who were able to dig up old photos and bring them along. They certainly provided entertainment for us all.


We were surprised by two special guests, 1987 Year 12 Coordinator Roger Wander and Drama teacher extraordinaire, Judy Corderoy.  Thanks Roger and Judy for prioritising your time to come along.  You were both incredible teachers who respected the students you interacted with and in turn gained the admiration and respect of this group (even 30 years on.)


Several past pupils now have daughters at Kilbreda but for those who do not – it was an exciting tour travelling down memory lane.  Of particular excitement were the memories of corridors, lockers, staff areas and the student reception area which was Year 10 in 1985! The tour of the Tower was the highlight!  Although a cold afternoon, the view was clear and you could see the Dandenong Ranges and Eureka Tower clearly. For some, it was the first time they had seen their own plaque hanging proudly in the Tower.  The plaques were launched at the centenary celebrations back in 2004 and remain a tradition of the college.


Bookings for the Past Pupils of Distinction Dinner on Friday 4 August are now open. You can book a table of eight or a place for yourself.  This inaugural night promises to be a highlight of the year and will begin a new tradition for the college.


          Suzanne Grima 

Class of 1987