One Year Reunion 

Returning to Kilbreda - Class of 2016

The beautiful class of 2016 recently celebrated our one year reunion. After six years of being “students” in the Meeting Room, it was odd for us coming back as “past pupils.” In a lot of ways, we still don’t feel like graduates; Kilbreda is still very much our second home.


It was exciting for all of us walking in, knowing that we would see the group of people we have grown up with, the peers and teachers that shaped us into the very young adults we are today.  I was so grateful to see that we’ve maintained our strong sense of camaraderie, love and warmth - qualities that had defined us as a year level. It was interesting to hear of everyone’s courses and how well they were enjoying them, or alternately, how much they were hating them! 


Some of the girls chose to travel up the Kilbreda Tower, a place we hadn’t visited since our first day of Year Seven. As it was six years ago, the journey up was enjoyably thrilling. Once the anxiety of falling off vertigo-style ceased, there was only peace and beauty. Mr Smith pointed out Eureka Tower glowing brightly in the far distance - yes, Eureka!


There’s a lot you can see from that tower. In fact, it almost feels like you can see the whole world. Or perhaps what we see is our adolescent world, sitting peacefully below us?  And for those few minutes, perhaps you realise you’ve grown as tall as the tower and the world is expanding? But you are ready; because Kilbreda has made us ready!


Amanda Hargreaves


​Class of 2016