Celebrating Kilbreda Women 

Past Pupils of Distinction

Last August, a number of Kilbreda alumnae,  former staff members and Co-Principal Nicole Mangelsdorf joined with the Past Pupils’ Network Committee to Launch Kilbreda Past Pupils of Distinction. Through this program we aim to recognise past pupils who have achieved outstanding success and excellence in their field/s of endeavour, have made / are making a positive difference in the lives of others and embody the Kilbreda motto of Strength and Kindliness.


Over the past twelve months we have developed the concept, taking into account suggestions that were presented at the launch. The committee members wish to thank those who proposed nominees for induction and to also congratulate all nominees on their nomination for induction. The Nominations we received are of significant calibre, breadth and number that in this, the Inaugural Induction to Past Pupils of Distinction, we will Induct four past pupils rather than the previously stated two. The selection panel is undertaking an extremely difficult task and we would like to ensure that our inaugural year is launched with due gravitas.

Past Pupils of Distinction Dinner

We invite you to join in celebrating Kilbreda women making a difference.


The Past Pupils of Distinction Inaugural Dinner to celebrate all nominees and inductees, will be held at the College on 4 August 2017. The evening will commence with pre dinner drinks at 6.30pm for dinner at 7.00pm.


Tickets are available through Try-booking www.trybooking.com/QTPG at a cost of $55 per person and please ensure you RSVP by Monday 24 July for what is sure to be a wonderful evening! 


Entry to the college will be via the original Convent Entrance and queries can be directed to myself at denise127@optusnet.com.au or 0425 779 030.  


We look forward to meeting many Kilbreda alumnae at this function.


Denise Leonard nee Morrissey

Chairperson Kilbreda Past Pupils’ Network Committee