Sister Mary Dalton csb

22nd Years On

This year marks the 22nd anniversary of the death of former Kilbreda Principal, Sister Mary Dalton csb.


Sr Mary was born in Horsham in 1939 and was educated there by the Brigidines and later attended Melbourne University. She was Principal at Wangaratta and then went to Killester and later Adelaide. She taught English, Australian History and Religious Education and came to Kilbreda as Principal in 1985. The College Hall, which now bears her name, was opened that year.


Sr Mary died on March 7 in 1995 and at her funeral Mass at Mordialloc, her long-time friend and colleague Sister Catherine Kelly csb delivered the eulogy.  “Teaching was what Mary loved doing and she did it exceptionally well. Her real interest was in trying to make her students make the most of their talents”, living out the Brigidine core value of “engendering a love of learning, hope and a sense of purpose”.


Each year, the Year 11 students were received by Sr Mary and Year 11 Coordinator Anne Hoyne at the Debutante Balls in the College Hall. In this 1990 Debutante photo (main photo), current Year 10 Coordinator Samantha Powell is seated in front of Sr Mary and Miss Hoyne.

Whenever a College production or Rock Eisteddfod was being prepared, Sr Mary would be present working on the lighting, and travelling with the group to make sure all went according to plan. Perhaps her greatest joy in life, though, was watching her beloved Melbourne Football team play. She went to games on many occasions with former staff member, Tony Mangan, and others who shared her affinity with the club.


“Those who knew her well also remember her enormous kindness to those in trouble of any kind. She was committed to social justice of the most basic kind, to supporting the ‘most vulnerable’. Many students and their families were supported without anyone else ever knowing about it”.   At the unveiling of a portrait of Sr Mary, by current staff member Andrew Whisson, Sr Catherine  told the school community of “this very significant woman in the life of this college” and of her importance in carrying on “the traditions in the spirit of St Brigid which were established from the very beginning at Kilbreda. It is fitting that this portrait of this strong and gentle woman hangs in this hall which carries her name and in which so much good educational activity takes place. May she be remembered for a long time by all of us”.


An article with further details about Sr Mary appears on the City of Kingston historical website.


Damian Smith 
