From the Principal's desk 

Meet and Greet BBQ

On Thursday 10th March starting at 5 pm and finishing at 6.30 pm we will hold a Meet and Greet BBQ out the front of the school. It has been such a long time since we gathered together. We would love to have families join us, so bring along your appetite, chairs, or picnic rugs. Junior School Councillors and School/House Captains will run some activities for the children. We will supply, sausages, bread, water and cordial. Please email your child's classroom teacher to let them know how many of your family will attend so we can cater accordingly. (Teacher's emails can be found on Compass).


School Council Elections 2022

It is that time of year when we call we called for parents to nominate for our school council. There are four 2 year positions and two 1 year positions vacant. We also have one 1 year community vacancy.  Forms are available from our office and are also attached below. Chris Opie (Parent) and Jennifer Rogers(Community) have one more year of their tenure to serve.



  • An election is to be conducted for members of the school council of NUMURKAH PRIMARY SCHOOL.
  • Nomination forms may be obtained from the school office or emailed and must be lodged by 4.00 pm on 11/03/2022.
  • Following the closing of nominations a list of the nominations received will be posted at the school.
  • If we have more nominations than vacancies, an election will be called and the ballot will close at 4 pm on 25/03/2022.

Attached below are self and parent nomination forms. They are also available from our front office.

School Netbook Program

Over the last two years, we have been steadily building up our 1-1 laptop program as there has been limited uptake of our Bring Your Own Device Program and we also wanted to have a more equitable approach to the distribution of technology.  Currently, four classes (P1W, 12B, 56S, and 56H) all have an individual device assigned to each student. 34W and 45S will also be assigned devices next week with the recent arrival of another set of netbooks. This will leave only 2 classes (12N & 23R) currently, sharing a set of netbooks with just one more set to arrive later in the year. This is just one of the many ways we as a school make sure that all children have equitable access to resources.


School Grants

Last year we were successful in obtaining 3 grants for the school. We received funding for the construction of our new fence, the establishment of an Out of School Hours Care service, and also shading for the seating at the front of the school and at the rear of the Prep - 2 building. Mr. Wright also has some news on the Sports page. We look forward to being able to access further grants this year so let us know if you see a grant that you think would be of benefit to our school.



 Please note that children in Year 3 - 6 are still required to wear masks at school unless there is an exemption. It is also recommended that children are tested twice a week. If you require further tests or are unsure about any details please contact us. 


Berry Street PD - Friday 4th March - No students required at school

This Friday the staff continue their Berry Street professional development around Trauma Informed Practice. Students are not required at school on this day. TheirCare is taking bookings if you require your child or children to be cared for on this day.



Debbie Oliver 
