Student Wellbeing  Update 

This fortnight has been jammed packed full of activities and initiatives across the school.


Circle Solutions: 

Circle Solutions continue to be a regular daily ritual in all classrooms across the school. Circle Solutions is a program with a very concise structure that runs for approximately 15 -20 min each day. The aim of the program is to build positive relationships between their peers and their teachers and a sense of connectedness and belonging.


Let’s hear from the students about Circle Time in their classroom:


“It makes us calm and relaxed so we don’t be naughty. We listen to the speaker and listen with my eyes, ears and my heart’. Tate, Grade 1/2


“I feel respected because I am listened to and nobody talks over me.  I like it because you have lots of fun doing new activities and we always feel included”. Sky Grade ¾


“I think Circle Time is great and I love it. It calms me down a lot and helps me learn better”. Abel Grade 3/4



National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence

National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence was promoted at our school on Wednesday morning. We were privileged enough to have a very talented duo Luca and Sarah AKA ‘Wee Face and Burger’ (seek clarification from your children about this). This incursion addressed what bullying is, how to manage it and when and how to get help for themselves or for others who may be experiencing bullying behaviours from others. They were engaging and had a strong message that Bullying is not okay.


ETRS Whole School Buddy Program

‘Be a Buddy, not a Bully’

In conjunction with the National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence, we launched our whole school Buddy Program. Below is an outline of what the program will look like at ETRS.


- This buddy program is when an older student is paired with a younger student.

- A buddy program occurs on a regular basis.

- At Echuca Twin Rivers School everyone in the school will have a buddy. 

- Each Friday at ETRS, students will meet up with their buddies. One week it will be for

lunch and on the alternative Friday, buddies will complete a planned buddy activity         together after lunch. 

- Each class has a buddy class and within that class there will be a buddy for your child. 

- Your child will stay with the same buddy for the year.


Why Do We Need a Buddy Program at ETRS?

 - Having your own buddy at school helps you feel safe.

- Gives older buddies leadership opportunities and extra responsibilities. You are a leader.

- Helps create positive connections between students of all ages at our school.

- Allows you to have fun with other students in other grade levels, working on activities together.

- Helps reduce bullying behaviours at school.

- Helps develop better social and emotional skills for all students.

- Reduces the number of days that students are away from school


Do It for Dolly Fundraiser

As part of the National Day Against Bullying and Violence, our students raised money for the Do It for Dolly Foundation. Everyone was encouraged to wear blue and donated a gold coin towards the foundation. The Do it for Dolly Foundation aims to changing the culture of bullying by addressing the impact of bullying, anxiety and depression in young people. Our school raised $150. Thank you for all your support and contributions to the Foundation.


Mental Health in Primary Schools Program Update

Thank you to the Grade 2 and Grade 4 parents who have taken the time to complete the Mental Health in Primary Schools baseline data survey. We understand that it may have taken time to complete this, however the data we will receive from the surveys will guide our programs and also the refinement of our referral processes both internally and externally.


Echuca Twin Rivers Vision for Wellbeing

Towards the end of last year, our school decided to develop a vision for wellbeing across the school. You may remember a survey going home asking you to picture our students when they graduate and to describe the qualities and attributes they would display and ones you want them to demonstrate.

We asked our staff and students the same questions. We have now collated all the responses and we found that parents, staff and our students want our students to be respectful, proud, confident, great leaders, responsible, inclusive, resilient, kind, grateful and brave.

The next step in this process is developing the vision that encompasses all of these attributes. We will be developing this soon and will be seeking your feedback on it. Some of our students’ responses are included in the photos this week.


Introducing our handbook to everyone.




This is also available on our website for all families to access.  Stay tuned for further fabulous SWPBS updates in our newsletter.

Anti Bullying Launch on Wednesday 16th March

Here are some fabulous photos from our Anti Bullying Launch on Wednesday.  Students were working with their Buddies on a fun activity.



Harmony Week - 21st-27th March



Harmony Week is about inclusiveness, respect and belonging for all Australians, regardless of cultural or linguistic background, united by a set of core Australian values.

Next week, our school community will be celebrating Harmony Week. We will be holding a combined assembly with the senior students of Echuca Twin Rivers Specialist School on Friday 25th March 2022 to showcase the student activities completed during the week.

We look forward to sharing our celebrations with you via our newsletter, class dojo and social media platforms!