REC News

Dear Parents and Carers,


We have started the year with a bang and it has been great to work with all of the classes on Friday for our Religious Education lessons. This term, we once again, have COVID restrictions that impact our school Masses. Our first Mass will be held on 2nd March, at school to celebrate Ash Wednesday and the beginning of the Lenten season. Unfortunately, parents are unable to attend this Mass.


During our Ash Wednesday Mass, students will receive the blessed ashes in the sign of a cross from last years Palm Sunday celebrations.  The Ash Wednesday ceremony invites us to make a fresh start during Lent in preparation for Easter. Lent is a time when we are invited to renew our commitment to the mission of Jesus through prayer, fasting and almsgiving. We encourage our students to participate in making a Lenten promise throughout Lent to continue to build their faith and relationship with Jesus. While at home, ask your child what their Lent promise is and encourage them to commit to this promise in the lead up to Easter.


Yours in faith,


Karlee Hatton

Religious Education Coordinator