Student Involvement

Debating News
This term we have enjoyed many successes in both debating and public speaking. In mid-February, Charlie Jones and Bonnie Salt represented the school in the Lions Youth of the Year competition. They had to attend an interview, then in front of an audience, give a speech on a five minute topic of their choice and also respond to several general knowledge questions. Charlie chose to talk about the benefits of nuclear power and Bonnie chose to talk about the importance of women’s rights. Both students were highly commended for their performances, with Bonnie being the overall winner. Bonnie was also invited to present her speech to the Rye Lions Club and will be moving on to the next round of the competition in Trafalgar at the end of this term. Good luck, Bonnie!
The debating team have also been very productive this term. We have entered three teams in to the Debaters Association of Victoria Competition with the first round taking place recently. Our three debating teams walked away from Round 1 with two wins and a loss, which is a great result. Fenella Collins in Year 9 was also awarded best speaker in her debate.
Congratulations to all of the debaters for their efforts so far this year!
A Little Taste of Asia
In an exciting and hands-on learning experience, our Year 8 Indonesian students sampled a range of native and traditional fruits. The tasting lesson formed part of their Indonesian food study unit where they learnt the names; and how to describe fruits such as rambutan, salak (snakeskin fruit), nangka (jackfruit), manggis (mangosteen), papaya and dragon fruit. Some students were even brave enough to taste the durian. Similarly, our Japanese students had a culinary experience as they learnt how to articulate what they do and don’t like. Japan is not known for its tropical fruits, so students instead tasted black sesame seed rice balls, pocky, sweet red bean filled pancakes and wasabi peas.
Languages Club Update
Every second Tuesday lunchtime our Language captains will be running Language Club in the Language Centre. Each week will have a different focus; anime, games, competitions, manga and many other exciting activities.
Please check COMPASS newsfeed for regular updates.
WHEN: Every 2nd Tuesday lunchtime
Welcome to all our Year 7 Language students!
Our Year 7 students have been very busy settling in to life at Dromana College. In their language classrooms they have been learning basic self-introduction phrases, counting, geographical information and our Japanese students have been learning the Hiragana alphabet.
Introducing Our New Team Members
A huge welcome to our newest Languages staff members Leah Oirbans and Rhianna Brophy.
Leah studied Indonesian at Monash University. She has visited Indonesia five times and loves to scuba dive. She has a cat named Fig. Rhianna completed her Japanese studies at Monash University. She loves the Japanese culture and traditions and she also speaks fluent Korean.
Maths News
Pi Day
Pi Day is celebrated around the world on March 14th to recognise the important maths symboland constant of Pi. At Dromana College we celebrated this day outside the Language Centre at lunch with maths talk and party pies! To receive a party pie students needed to do two of the following: recite Pi to 5 decimal places, explain why Pi is rational or irrational, explain how Pi relates to a circle or state a formula that uses Pi.
We also had an online scavenger hunt, as well as competitions for the best free hand circles, maths jokes and reciting Pi to the most decimal places. Well done to Jennifer Japha from Year 9 who was our 2022 Decimal Place Competition champion. Jennifer recited Pi correctly to 150 places.