Year 6 Excursion

Year 6 Excursion


On the 29th and 30th of March, Year 6 students went to Velisha Farms in Werribee South through the Victorian Farmers Federation Kids to Ag Project. Kids to Ag aims to increase primary school students’ understanding of where their food and fibre comes from, and to raise awareness of the career opportunities within the agricultural sector. Here is a recount from one of our students: 


On the 29th of March, we visited Velisha Farms. This experience was very informative and taught us the aspects of modern farming and the machinery required. The fun activities kept students in this new learning experience. We were taught everything from recognising vegetables to identifying the conditions of the farm. We watched workers wrapping fresh produce and noticed their practised handling. As forklifts were operating in the area, we were kept under supervision by teachers and staff. Overall, we enjoyed the once-in-a-lifetime trip and look forward to learning more about the interesting features of modern farming, the process of vegetable growing and much more.

-Qaima 6D